for those who also have fsop added: please forgive my spamming! <3

Jun 18, 2010 18:31

- I clearly have no understanding of the concept of kink_bingo, because the squares I initially have noted down ideas for are all over the place and do not make a bingo XD

- In using my "Fandoms that are not POT" fic masterlist to (not) find Mei-chan fic I'd written I have discovered I haven't been updating it. I also have a list of things that used to be on GreatestJournal I have recovered through old emails of comments and had not added those to my list, either.

Have now added a Coffee Prince listing, a Mei-chan no Shitsuji listing, a Mendol fic, a Gokusen drabble, changed the links to two Hobb fics from dead GJ links to active LJ ones and added some more drabbles, added a Clive Baker's Imajica listing, and a fair bit more actually. There are some misc. fandoms I've only written in now and then with fics on an older fic journal I might make note of too, to keep the fandoms together.

- Speaking of the list, I have linked to my POT fic masterlist on it, so at least everything is linked to on that post, even though POT has so much fic it has its own post.

Because anenko and aliaspiral have been posting Mei-chan fic I decided to join in/give back/follow suit. Whatever sounds best ;) Three fic posts today:

title: Role-Reversal
character(s)/pairing(s): Mei/Rihito
genre: het, non-explicit but suggestive
wordcount: 434
notes: Just a little snippet I wrote based on a springkink prompt that I didn’t plan on posting. But I still have it on my computer which means I hung onto it for a reason!
prompt: springkink: March 6; Mei-chan no Shitsuji (drama), Rihito/Mei: role reversal "It's my job to anticipate your every desire, isn't it?

title: A Lady and her Butler Part One, Part Two
character(s)/pairing(s): Izumi, Kiba
genre: gen, het, future-fic
wordcount: 493, 512
summary: Every lady requires something different from her butler. And every butler has his own reason for serving his lady.
notes: parts 1 and 2 were written back last December. I thought posting them might motivate me to finish the others; a possible 7 parts in all, I think.

lots of links, hobb, lists, gokusen, fic, writing, organising is my love

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