lack of subject

Aug 14, 2007 07:22

I refuse to get dressed yet, it's too early. And I'm quite happy wrapped up in this fleecey blanket.

It's raining, which means it'll either be really dead at work because no-one dares go out (pffft, except that this is usual so no-one would EVER GO OUT EVER), or it'll be really busy because all the holiday makers can't go on the beach so they'll be in our shop causing chaos instead.

My mum is turning into a soldier, making battle plans for when Jan is on holiday for two weeks and trying to anticipate all the bad that could happen. Fuck 'em all I say.

Dear springkink, it's time for an autumn round don't you think? ;)

I am still tired, I don't think I should've left it til midnight last night to go to bed. OOPS :x

LJ is boring, 'cept this friendslist which I only see public entries on most of the time since I can't be bothered to log out of fsop when I can just post from it and insert a different username when I need to ramble ;)

Maybe I can find something to read this morning before I go to work and hide from all the bitches.

blah, work blah, tired

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