dad and age limit rants

Aug 09, 2007 18:37

So, I've decided my dad knows exactly what he's doing, and how much mum and I dislike it. Because a soon as mum got in from work they were yelling at each other, and he only snaps like that because he feels guilty that he went out with Bobby for a couple of drinks after work today. And he KNOWS it isn't necessary. How long does it take for alcohol to get out of your system anyway? Because he drives to work at 4.30am. And is always drinking.

It turns him into such an asshole, so mouthy and digusting. And sly and prepared to do stupid things just so we're ALL unhappy, and not just him. How kind to his own wife and child.

A child he didn't even want and lets me know it all the time. I mentioned to mum the other day, "when I tell people dad doesn't like kids they find it kind of amusing, and don't stop to realise that includes ME as a kid."

Not that he likes me any better now that I have a brain, think alcohol is disgusting, hate football, oh, and snog GIRLS. Yeah well, at least they aren't black, hey dad?

It's a shame that so many fandom places are so intent on becoming 18+, because I got into fandom when I was fifteen and yes it was a shaky start, but damn I wouldn't be where I am today if not for it. ALSO I'M BRITISH AND WE'RE LEGAL AT 16. So we can do it, but on American-based sites, we can't READ about it? That's pretty fucked up right there. I think it's more harmful to go and get pregnant at 16, even if you ARE legal, than to read some porn. Which is more informative than schools are allowed to be these days, for far of "encouraging" underage sex. Funny all the things they do for our own protection. Just focus on the fucking bad guys, people. The real murderers and rapists and thieves.

Ahe. Anyway, someone go base a fandom site here so we can legally let in the 16+ fans, I feel for them ;)
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