Mar 30, 2006 21:41
So much nothing to talk about. It's about to be the first, so I guess that means Sidd will be leaving saturday. He hasnt really talked to me about it so I have no idea. Burwell wants to pay more and have his own room, yeah burwell in the room next to me, just what I always wanted.. Everyone loves to hangout here and get drunk but noone wants to pay for a damn thing. I barely have enough to pay my half of the rent, all the bills are due, and so once more i'm pretty fucked.
Went to see my dad yesterday with Mike, saddent think i've ever seen. When I got there he was eating lunch and it was like watching death, I actually cried for like 10 minutes. I really dont like him as a person, but he's still my dad.
Theres only one real good thing in life, but even that is really kinda fake. Its weird to see total happiness in physical form right in front of you, yet have to know you can't have it. I dont want anyone else, but i'm starting to wonder if its worth it...Only its too late now, and i'm totally hooked.
I guess i'll just hold out, and hope for the best.
If I lose the house you can find me in the dumpster outside.