Even though I think the Twilight movie looks like crap... which it does... I'm still excited to see it.
Even though I think Kristen Stewart's acting is horrible in it (I mean, what happened? She's good in every thing else she's in)..
And even though I hate that they arent staying true to the book in alot of areas...
And even though I hate the soundtrack (except for Paramore's songs, because everything Paramore does is amazing)...
And even though I think Catherine Hardwick is an absolute idiot (I cant stand her at all.. I wouldnt want to be in the same room with her. She freaks me out and I blame Twilight being horrible on her)...
And even though they could have cast MUCH much better people for Carlisle and Esme...
And even though everything mostly looks so stupid...
I am still excited to see the movie. I like who they cast for Emmet and James and Edward (Robert is so hot, he was my favorite part of The Goblet Of Fire).
I'll always love the books. Breaking Dawn included! Even if everyone else thought it ruined Twilight, it was a really good book now that I think back on it. I actually want to read it again.
I know I'll be thoroughly disappointed in the movie (at least, I'm pretty sure I will), I want to see it.
Click to view
One of the best videos I've made so far, in my opinion. I just really like it.
It's better quality when it has the HQ option on YouTube. Oh well.