ppinch my nuts and serve me milkshake

Sep 18, 2003 10:19

there are a few people in this world that i look up to one is my dad he's # 1 then Bono and tom cruise but now there is another on the list steve stiffler "fuck the fuckers" i mean a man that eats dog shit and humps a grandma is awsome in my book. word so with me we are the dominating 5 in the world.
" marrying the first person you go out with is like a blind man looking for his favorite porn"
and to all those who are trying to be against me for standing up for my girlfriend IT'S ON LIKE DONKEY KONG, PARTICULARY A YOUNG PUNK KID FROM OHIO ( there all sheep fuckers) get out of the sticks
if you smell what the rock is cooking
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