
Jun 20, 2004 23:16

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This long thing is awesome joyocola June 22 2004, 23:49:55 UTC
1. Where did we meet?: at my house

2. How long have you known me?:about a month

3. When was the last time we saw each other?:i'm sitting in the same room as you

4. Would you call me a friend, acquaintance or good friend or a lover?:just an aquaintance... not!!! Totally a great friend and my lover-girl

5. Have you ever seen me cry?:except for the time i broke your back on katie's couch, nope

6. Your best memory with me is?:any day i can hang with yah, but mostly tonight, the night before i leave

7. Your worst memory with me is?:totally when i first met your dad

8. The worst thing I have ever done to you is?:beat me up everytime you see me

9. Do I have a nice ass?:totally, can i say booty shorts?

10. Where do you think I will be in 10 years time?:

*****WOULD YOU...*****

11. Hug me?:depends if you'd let me

12. Miss me if I was gone?:only if you didn't come back, but basically yes

13. Listen to my problems?:yes but only on the weekends

14. Hug me if I cried?:i wouldn't even hesitate

15. Be a good friend?:no problem


16. Ever go out with me?:yes

17. If you already have would you do it again?:i wouldn't know yet

18. Kiss me(Really)?:i'd give it a try

19. Marry me if you could?:if your brother didn't beat me up

20. Ever talk bad about me if we ever broke up?:depends if you were a slut


21. When's my birthday?:Oh crap, this sucks!!! August ??? you'll be 12

22. Take a stab at my middle name?:a uh duh i dunno

23. What school do I go to?:Vista High

24. Do I have any siblings ~> names??:yes, Emma and Cove

25. Who is my most current ex?:oops i thought it was nick

26. Who is my best friend(s)?:H20 girls, Katie?

27. Who am I crushing on?:I dunno, jason

28. Am I a virgin?:Only on the weekends

29. What sport do I play?:Aqua Jock

30. Favorite TV show(s)?:Chic Flicks

31. Favorite song(s)?:Country or weird older brother music

32. Favorite film(s)?:Who watches films anyways

33. Favourite food(s)?:Mexican food???

34. Favourite color?:black you gothic wench

35. What do I want most in the world?:me

*****IF YOU COULD*****

36. Give me a new name, what would it be and why?:britney, some reason i keep wanting to call you that and it is the name of britney spears

37. Hook me up with someone (real), who would it be and why?:Jonny Deep because you are obsessed with that stud

38. Do one thing with me what would it be and why?:Spend a whole day with you and get to know you better

39. Say one last thing to me what would it be?:remember me because i think we have something more

40. Ask me one last thing what would it be?:what is your birthday?


41.What do you love about me (pick one thing and you cant say You as a whole person. Pick ONE thing)?:i love how you are so annimated and you are always up for having fun and smiling

42. What do you hate about me?(seriously):you have so many cooler guy friends and i'm jealous of them

43. What is my best quality?:totally the dot on your forehead, your trademark, i love it!

44. If you could change one thing about me what would it be(You have to pick one thing)?:hmmmmm so many things. It would have to be your brutal beat downs that you give me

45. What is your honest opinion of me?I really want something more with you and i was excited about school and now i'd rather stay then go. I would love to be more with you and stay. You are so much fun to be around and it's always fun to hang out with you.


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