Mar 21, 2005 11:54
So where do I start?
Friday night, I suppose. It was pretty fun. I mean, it was amazingly fun. I just wish people (by "people", I mean Josh) hadn't kept pushing me away or out of my own party. But everyone was puking left and right. I think Nikki was the first to throw up, though she wasn't drunk. Then Michelle, and it was a hell of a lot of puke. Then Richard started throwing up.. Mister "I can get drunk and not throw up" in your face. lmao. And then of course, it wouldn't be a party until I puked. But then again, I was the only one who made it to the bathroom, I was also puking at like 4 in the morning when the party was over. No, 'scuse me. I should rephrase that: "When other people thought the party was over for me."
I guess that was my biggest issue that night. Josh was just basically ignoring me. He was hanging all over me and then we went out to his car and had cake. When we came back in, he wouldn't so much as kiss me. Ashley saw him push me away while he was playing cards. *Shrug* and then when I went to go toke up with everyone else, I had like 2 hits and then he told me I had to go lay down. And that was while he sat there for another fucking hour hitting the bowl with everyone else while I was laying in the living room all by myself. He's lucky I didn't fucking kill him, I'll tell you that much. It made me really mad. Heh. And all night I was walking around all emo and I kept saying he hated me while Jon and Nicole tried to comfort me through it...Where was Josh? In the other room, sitting there clueless as to why I'm mad at him. Fuckin' ahh.
But oh well I guess and onto Saturday. He made up for it, I suppose. When me, Josh, Rich, Ryan, Pat, Tyrell, and Nicole woke up, Jon, Ashley, Michelle, and Catherine had already left to go home. Nicole and Ryan left and Pat took Rich and Tyrell home. Josh and I got up and cleaned a little and then we came back here and slept until like 1 something. And then I called out of work because I hate Target (which, by the way, I quit). We basically spent the whole day together, which was good. I dont know, I'm just not feeling very happy lately.
Yesterday was pretty fun. Usually my Sunday's consist of me sitting at home on the computer all day, but as soon as I woke up, Ashley and I made plans..Well, it was more like I joined in on Michelle and Ashley's plans that they already made, but hush. We went to a diner and then we went to Payless so Ashley could get some new kicks? lol But yeah. And then Ashley's parents became gay and wanted her home. Then they became cool and gave her the car...literally it's hers now. Michelle and I chilled at her house for a bit and then went to the Dugan household and did some weird shit which involved The Sims 2. *Stoner Family on Fourth and Walnut..what what?* Then we all went to the diner and I think it was one of the funniest experiences ever. Me, Ashley, Michelle, Lauren, and littleBob. Aw man. LittleBob ate the lettuce that came with the chicken fingers, then he ate my lettuce and Michelles, too. Lauren and Ashley had to be good at giving head to huge cock to be able to fit their wraps in their mouths. Aweee man. I dont think anything could top that diner trip. "Lets not tip her!" -"Shhhhh!" -"She's right behind me, isn't she?" *nods head*. lmao. Whoops. Then we dropped the Dugans off and Ashley and I shopped at Michelle's house. lol Dont ask, really. Then I came home and talked to like 5 people on myspace. Didn't go to bed until like 3:30 and well, here I am.
I had a weird dream last night though. I wish I knew what dreams meant. This one was kind of weird. Josh and I were sitting there and his dad came downstairs and started yelling at me for something and I was all "I didn't do anything." and Josh just kept mimicing me and shit. And Josh was like "Have fun dad, she's all yours." and he went on the other side of the basement to do laundry. And his dad was standing there yelling at me. And when I finally convinced his dad I didn't do anything, I started walking up the basement stairs, but like I tripped over the sheets that divide their basement...And Jenny (Josh's sister), Josh's dad, and Josh all started laughing at me. And then I was all upset and Josh was just laughing harder..
Heh. So yeah that was my dream, my interesting story. Interperate it whichever way you'd like. *Sigh* I dont know why, but ever since Friday, I just havent felt the same. I dont know. I guess it was because I got rejected by my own boyfriend for a kiss, while my best friend Nicole was more than willing to cheer me up with a couple of her own. Fuck. I just cant get that "not good enough" feeling out of my system now.