Rockz in my Sockz

Nov 10, 2003 16:38

It seems everybody's getting married, pregnant or fucked up on meth :/ Jordan is now officially a dad. Two years ago I would have laughed my ass off thinking of him being a dad...but I think he's gonna be a good daddy :) While on the whole baby issue, Nyla's pregnant. No one knows who the dad is for sure but theres three suspects o_0 I now have a dead babies head stone setting in my room since about halloween. Man that night was...kinda different. Robbie dosed some trip, AJ an 8th of shrooms w/a little coke before they started to kick in, then AJ & Robbie threw down on two blunts...which I've been repeatedly turning down lately. Then me & Brian started drinking everclear on pills on the way up to Kellers Chapel. It was weird...That side door thats usually locked, it wasnt. But the first time I pushed on it it didnt open. I borrowed a lighter and went inside...the electric didnt work there, but it didnt really look run down...and there were still those long seat things in there. Theres also these two small rooms towards the front of the chapel where the steel gate is locked over the other door, one was pretty much empty, the other had all kinds of insecticides and shit. In addition to the first Keller babies head stone (Loren Keller 1872-1872) I swiped two old old song books, a door knob, and I was walking around with the toilet seat lid from the out house towards the back for awhile around my neck, but Robbie said he didnt have much room so I just got the head stone. I think one of the ghosts took my coke :p My pockets in the pants I had on like always has shit falling out so I put the rocks in my socks (if theres anyone reading this that doesnt know me, I dont do that stuff often at all...I just happened to run into some that wasnt the usual bs thats been steped on a few times being AR and all) which, somehow, got out of the fucking corner bagie (which the bag was still left, but nothing in it). I was running around a bit, but I still dont see how the fuck that happened. Im definatly bringing the babies stuff back though (was a little out of it). Seriously, there has been weird shit since that thing has been in my room (try sleeping in the same room with that headstone...alot of people say they hear babies crying out there too along w/baby skeletons nailed to a crucifix (dont believe me check its under Jonesboro...about half way down the page). Umm....actually now that ive started thinking about that I cant think of much else thats happened recently. But I prolly will as soon as I post this, it always works like that.
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