Bryan made me make this un-friends-only what a loser face....
Okay so this is'nt bryan...i'll give you a dollar if you guess who it is...okay another lie i wont but ill give you like a high five or something if you really want one :)
So everyone has to go buy the new new found glory CD even though bryan thinkgs its "just alright" what does he know its amazing...hes a loser not emo enough kid! :)
hmm so lets see im gonna make this post really relaly interesting...or not really intersting but with lots of pictures cause i like pictures and you guys will all think bryan has a cool live journal if he has pictures so lets see..
well this is loser melissa...
and this is bryan...
how cute.... haha shut up im a loser! uhh i cant think of anything else to say...i hope you had fun reading this! :)