On Sunday I flyered for Lamar again, Monday I went to Fuzios with Kristy, and today I voted.
A certain ASUCD senator-elect helped us on Sunday. We'll call him Y. He said he had voted for me when I ran for senate even though he didn't agree with my politics. I said "I don't make political statements, so how can you not like my politics?" He said "I thought you were a libertarian" "No.. libertarians are completely irrational."
For the record, I am not a libertarian. Libertarians are what you get when you take a republican, remove their moral convictions and any rationality you may find. I am militantly independant, and wholly rational. Every political spectrum test I've ever taken has put me dead center of the political spectrum. I am the swing voter and its not because I don't care.
Being registered "decline to state" allows me to vote most party's ballot in the primaries. Obviously the republican one has but one choice on it so there's no point in voting that, and it would be less than rational to vote for a third party, so I found myself evaluating the democratic candidates. Now I know all these candidates have been making a lot of noise lately and everyone has been all hepped up on their favorite candidate for months now, but I'm proud to say I had no preconcieved opinion at all before I started reading their statements. It pleases me to know that the millions of dollars spent on advertising were completely lost on me (I don't watch TV and have thus far pointedly ignored everyone's best efforts at selling me the candidates). I am the swing voter and only rational assimilation of qualifications and statements will get my vote.
No I'm not telling you who I decided upon. I don't make political statements.
Today's Controversy
Dixon Ticonderoga or Sanford, which pencils are the best? I have to say, I have a box of a dozen Ticonderoga, and despite the claim on the box, these "1388-2 soft" pencil's are NOT in my opinion the "world's best pencil" as the box claims. I have a few Sanford pencils which I find quite delightful, but they're old and getting short. Another strong contender though is the paper-mate pencil that I acquired after someone administered a weird poll to
pavelthegeek and I about the herbs found in sobe...
Picture of the Day
Joe Fitzmorris
Chairman, Davis College Republicans
© Kris Fricke 2003
Along with Adrian, Jill, and I, there is also a bunny that lives at 229 The Trees. Adrian and I have named it "Sputnik," though Jill insists on calling it Herbert or Bernard or something. Also, Adrian and I realize the bunny is secretly filled with evil. I believe its aspirations are not dissimilar to those pictured
here. It did escape from its containment-unit once and
chew through Adrian's PS2 cable once in fact.
Firefly is an amazing series. It aired on Fox with about 14 episodes before being cancelled before christmas 2002. I'd never heard of it but Adrian got the whole series on DVD and when he plays an episode, everything stops around here. Even Jill can't escape it, and the bunny doesn't concentrate on radiating so much evil. Apparently the series is being made into a movie now though, so we may all rejoice. --really does take break to watch episode IV of firefly before continuing--
You will become addicted to this.
A Year Ago Today:
quitting IHOP Kristy wrote an excellent new livejournal
bio. I have a crush on her.