Fun With The Aggie

Feb 18, 2004 10:15

   Yesterday (Tuesday) I had ate with Gabi (samedisorder) at Posh Bagels, where I discovered a new source of excellent cheese danishes. Cheese danishes are divine.

Slightly previous to this I walked into the Coffee House where unbeknownst to me there was an ASUCD senate-candidates forum currently ongoing. Incidentally, I arrived in the audience just as one of the candidates was saying that they would increase the power of the Student Court. (= I of course do not necessarily endorse this candidate or any others, as that would be in violation of my position. I merely mention it as it does relate to my position. If I so much as applauded one of the candidates (or even all of them), I'd probably end up in a removal hearing by this Thursday.
   The Elections Committe, however, is not in my jurisdiction, so I cannot be condemned for pointing out that it is NOT in keeping with constitutional norms for the Elections Committee Chairperson to casually advise candidates of legislation she wants written in official emails, nor to express personal opinions of the candidates. Know that for doing as much _I_ would certainly be drawn and quartered by now. Just ruminate on that a bit.. for now.

Ran into Lamar Heystek at Safeway again (he works there see), he randomly thanked me for mentioning him in this livejournal. I've never mentioned my livejournal to him... (=
   ...Vote Heystek!

Fun With The Aggie

tingsquared (girl on left), davisbob (guy on right)
© Matt Jojola 2004

Lamar Heystek at the Farmer's Market last Saturday morning
© Curtis Matthews 2004

The Pixies are coming to Davis!

   "..I loved watching Kris Fricke's face as Karly talked about improving student court." - tingsquared
   One Year Ago Today: Adventures in Bixby (Beta, whom I met in 11th grade at an MUN conference is now my neighbour)

gabriella utreras, asucd, cheese danishes, lamar heystek

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