Jan 24, 2004 18:39
I'm sorry, this was just too funny not to post:
[NAME WITHHELD]: OK, our dear president was handcuffed to a bartender, and then I do believe she hit on me
*** Auto-response sent to [NAME WITHHELD]: adventurin with the kristy
[NAME WITHHELD]: And fucking Sara Henry told me I was cute
[NAME WITHHELD]: I love you! You are the coolest person in ASUCD! I lvoe Kristy too, you anddd her are totally cute together!
[NAME WITHHELD]: This was the weirdest fucking night ever!
So last week Kristy and I are in her complex (Stirling, AKA "Starlington," as in "the new arlington" (for those nondavis readers, the Arlington complex used to be infamous for its partying)), and we hear someone call my name. We turn around to see ASUCD Senators Caliph Assagai and LeVale Simpson, somewhat intoxicated. "Hey is our favorite Chairman!" and "They ain't EVER takin YOU down!" I love those guys. In a wholly impartial manner of course.
Yesterday they had a HUGE party (they live down the hall from Kristy). We briefly showed up, and in addition to LeVale, talked to Senator Caleb Hervey, ECAC Chairwoman Pam Palpallotok (sp?), Case #22 Plaintiff (& former GASC Chair) Nathan Thomas, and ASUCD Court Justice Jeremy Johnson and former Chief Justice Jade Turner. As I was leaving Kristy's place at 2am, I almost walked right into Case # 23 Plaintiff Almaz Ahmed-Falol.
In short, I think everyone in ASUCD who wasn't at the party was getting drunk at the Cantina, location of the events portrayed in the quoted AIM dialogue.