So today was my last day in Orange County. I was already thinking I've seen a lot of people I used to know this break, but today alone I saw piles of old friends.
So I hunted down my old friend Nick Lucas and caught up to him at the Mission Viejo Mall ("The Shops at Mission Viejo," wtf?). While in the mall I ran into Monte's girlfriend (my little brother's best friend), and apparently my little brother's woman saw me there as well (possibly in a completely seperate incident? Because she wasn't with the other girl at the time).
Then later I go with him to starbucks uh some indie coffee shop uhhh ::shifty-eyes::, and Jessica Hanson, whom I went to school with from elementry school through HS is working there.. and this girl Bree who used to work at wild rivers is there as well.
Later on I go on down to Diedrichs, and in addition to all the regular people,
Courtney Grasinger shows up (from my HS chemistry class), followed shortly by Jason Nelson, another person I went to school with from elementry school through HS.
Then I buy "cool" Kyle (I guess there must be an "uncool kyle" but I've never met him) and Mike tHH 40s of steel as their christmas presents. While at Viejo Liquor I run into Akbar Khan. Back at Diedrichs, Kerry Wilcox stopped by, then in completely unprecedented behavior my little brother and his friends drove by, apparently with the sole purpose of yelling "eurotrash!!" at me. Then Kyle, Mike tHH, Laney and I went to Target because Kyle just got kicked out of his house and needed thermal underwear. Kyle and Mike tHH currently live in Kyle's car.
Shalane currently has pinkish orange hair.
Then EVERYONE decided to go to the Irvine Spectrum. And by everyone I mean Cool Kyle, Mike tHH, Shalane, Croat, Matt Morgan, Stephanie & her boyfriend Tom, Tristan and myself. So we all up and carpooled ourselves over there like the big happy family we are in three cars.
Much mischief was then caused at the Irvine Spectrum. While there I ran into Anamica from UCD Model UN. Its always weird to run into people from Davis while down here.
And then I ran into Jessica Hughs, my date from winter formal junior year. Now see, thing with my dates to dances: (A) my dates to the last four dances were named Jessica, Jennifer, Jessica, & Jennifer, (four different people), of whom (B) three I had met at MUN conferences (all but Jessica Hughs). Anyway, Jessica Hughs has spent the last three years in Oregon, so it was really suprising to run into her.
Anyway, after a great deal of mischief was perpetuated, Kyle, Mike tHH, and I rode the parking trolly around forever and finally half frozen got to my car, and we returned to Diedrichs, where we reconvened with Laney and Croat. Then I bid everyone adieu and went home. The end.
"Eight dollars for a dead cat??? I could MAKE a dead cat for cheaper than that!" -me at the pet store
And so many more I'm sure but I can't remember )=