Finally got on a computer today around 1700hours to find my email inbox at 108% of capacity, about 15% of which was spam email.
Went to the Unlistola House (where the bands Unless and The List reside on Loyola street) for their halloween party. It was hella crowded (crowd estimated at 300 persons by Sue), and there were of course bands, and
Eric's Noxious Brew, which is far from "noxious" (though Kristy couldn't get over the fact that it was blue). I definitely got my mosh on to one of the bands (and I hear there are pictures of this, so hopefully I'll get my hands on them soon).. and my costume... started out with a joke. Filling out that livejournal trick or treating meme thing I tried to think of something rather ridiculous for a costume.. coming up with "weapons of mass destruction." But then I started thinking about it.. and you know what happens when I do THAT. Needless to say, with a yellow radiation symbol on the front of my shirt and a big black biohazard sign on the back and my sleeves, and "DOOM" written on my arm, I WAS "weapons of mass destruction."
Saturday Kristy and I went to a party one of her roommate Terra (
daisycat99)'s friends was having. We get there feeling a bit weird about now knowing whose party it is, but then my friend Sica answers the door. Now suddenly launching on a completely unrelated tangent here, no girl I know named "Jessica" goes by "Jessica," instead I know a "Jessie" "Jessika" "Jesska" "Jessiska" "Jesikita" and "Sica."
Just ran the issues in appendices II and III of the last lj entry past my legal theories professor, and he agreed with me 100%, telling me almost the exact thing I had concluded before I even showed him my written answers. God I love being right.
The following is an exerpt from the book I have to read for POL154 (Legel Theories & Jurisprudence): The reasoning may take this form: A falls more appropriately in B then in C. It does so because A is more like D which is of B than it is like E which is of C. Since A is in B and B is in G (legal concept), then A is in G. But perhaps C is in G also. If so, then B is in a decisively different segment of G, because B is like H which is in G and has a different result from C.
Can someone PLEASE explain to me HOW that can POSSIBLY make sense?? All I know is it has something general to do with legal reasoning by drawing comparisons between court cases.
Ramen Trove III
I have a green lightbulb in the livingroom which I use as rather a night light, so I don't break my ankle walking through there in the middle of the night (I had mightily stubbed my toe in there before the light). I turn it off when I go to bed but while I'm still awake in my room... anyway it disappeared a few days ago. Finally I ran into apartmentmate Gil and asked her about it. She said she was holding it hostage because I kept leaving it on.. and made no comments on when it would be returned to me. Now I've actually been getting along very well with Gil, but does this strike anyone as healthy roommate behavior?
Anyway shortly thereafter I asked if she was also holding my box of cereal hostage, because I had left it on the counter as evidence that it was to be community property and it had disappeared. She said she had put it on my shelf.. a short investigation revealed that the shelf she'd put it on everyone assumed to belong to someone else, whereas in reality its contents were abandoned from the year before. So I just inhereted some nestles quick and hot cocoa mix among other things. No ramen this time though actually.
It now appears my laptop actually has a hard disk problem. Meaning it'll be even LONGER before I have a computer now. Arghhhhhh
Now I'm late to a meeting. Blah.