Dreams and Memories

Oct 06, 2003 19:44

   I've been having kinda odd dreams lately. Last night in my dream I hopped a freight train and road it to Ohio, where it was snowing. Also there was a completely different part featuring an echidna.
   The OTHER night I dremt I was lurking around in stormdrain pipes. There was also an echidna in that dream. It bit me.

Quote of the Day
   Kristy - "Kris you are full of yourself, basically" me- "well... YOU want to be full of me? ::falls over laughing::" "Uh, you make that joke every time I say that" "Really? I thought I just made it up" -- "That band played at my school once" (I was wearing a Locale AM shirt) "really??" "yeah. I tell you every time you wear that shirt, but you never remember, so I tell you again because you get excited." Yea, its true, I have the memory of a goldfish.

quotes, dreams, kristy heidenberger

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