First off I forgot to mention: yesterday while tabling for MUN (Model United Nations), Catherine, who presides over our MUN program in a manner reminiscent of Jabba the Hutt, mentioned "hey I met some new Dutch exchange students the other day... they knew who you were."
Now aside from the question of why I happened to come up in conversation with these marauding netherlanderlings, the real question is how the fuck do dutch exchange students know who I am?
Anyway, moving on. Yesterday. So I was hanging out with my friend Azver on a stoop --specifically the MU stairs near the flagpole (again for those of you who are not enserfed to UC Davis: the MU is the brick edifice which houses the Coffee House, the black heart of student government that is the 3rd floor, the mysterious 5th floor which can only be reached by magic or luck, and the winding underground tunnels which are awash with all kinds of lurking terrors (such as KDVS, our newspaper The Aggie, and unknown to nearly everyone, a barber shop.). I can generally be counted on to be found in or around the MU at any concievable time)-- when what should he do but propose we go to this bar / club / venue in sactomento called
Old Ironsides. Earlier in the week Nat and I had put forth a plot to get drizunk on Tuesday night since I don't have class till noon Wednesday, so I called her and invited her on the adventure. SHE for that matter said she had talked to Akila earlier that day, whom had expressed interest in going specifically to Old Ironsides sometime. And so for once everything was just coming together completely randomly.
Both Nat and Akila I know from MUN. I had always thought Akila was just into random pop or whatever but discovered she is a big fan of both the Stone Roses and Postal Service. Stone Roses - Fools Gold came on (Akila requested it), she and I gave eachother high fives, and Nat exclaimed "OMG I never thought I'd see THIS!" In conclusion, I have to say that Fools Gold does not make for good dancin, but Postal Service is for absolutely awesome to rock out to.
Courtney Caruso and Sarah wanted me to mention them in my livejournal. Silly girls.