Jul 16, 2003 10:37
So yesterday I wanted to hang out with the Ashlee and Aimee's again.. but Aimee was sleeping. Silly Aimee. So I picked up Ashlee and of course returned to diedrichs. Where they were doing less than usual. I was like.. yea.. the one time I bring a nondiedrichs friend there are no beach bonfires or good times at Top of the World. Figures.
We eventually ended up in a field by Cordillera elementry or something. Kyle, one of the diedrichs kids I think is particularly for awesome (and had been wearing a gas mask all day randomly), got attacked by a soccer net apparently and looked like he'd had the shit beat out of his face.. psha on that.
The Ultimate Dumbass award must now go to Mike the Horrible Human, who has overshadowed Brandon the poser-gay's smashing of Katie's rooftop airfilters, by throwing an empty 211 40 at a passing SUV. If he had had enough skill to actually hit the car he would have been in a world of shit, and he would deserve every bit of it.
Unfortunately Croat got greedy and tried to get free taco bell at ten minutes to midnight, while they were still totally open and lights all on and such. He got one pizza out of it out of pity, but the employees refused to give out most of the food because of it. Let that be a lesson to everyone else to be not greedy. I must express much sympathy for Croat though because he apparently has a massive ulcer right now. Psha on that.
Currently wasting time before going in to wild rivers to do beach runs... I intend to keep a low profile until saturday morning inservice whereupon I'll see if Nikki can give me the deep tryout. Mother of course never tires of nagging me and is trying to convince me to maintain a very visible profile there.. my rationalization of mine: "look everyone knows I'm never getting promoted, so I'm just trying to bring less shame upon myself for appearing to be oblivious to the fact."
Beach runs totally suck ass. As deep guard Stephanie "Guacamole" Gamache said yesterday, "who in their right mind would do beach runs for fun?????"
diedrichs golden age,
brandon tgp,
stephanie gamache,
cool kyle,
aimee anderson,
stacy the office wench,
drunken antics,
drunken debauchery,
mike kemp,
croat plancic