For the extremely concise version of yesterday's activities,
check this.
Additionally I met some friends at "the chocobean" coffee shop to transfer them funds on behalf of someone else as part of a certain secret operation (and no it doesn't involve trafficking of drugs). Apparently they had an aversion to Diedrichs. ::shurg::
Then I swam laps
Then we had us a bonfire on capo beach again... it was tight, sitting on the beach with the bonfire, 40 of steel reserve in hand, while Crispy plays his guitar. Even if he WAS playing dashboard songs hehehe.
Matt told me they are totally hiring at the lumber yard he works at. I am totally going to check it out. He and Laney apparently suddenly broke up yesterday. ::shurg::
Then we went to a jacuzzi. I don't think any of us actually live in the community where its located but we know the code to get in for some reason.
Evening concluded with Katie and I getting free taco bell at midnight. Apparently they do this like every night. We didn even need to say anything we just walked up to the window and they handed us three personal-pizzas and two orders of breadsticks (its a taco bell / pizza hut). Then Alyssa, who hadn been out with us that night, randomly showed up... cause you know, the Diedrichs lot is the place to randomly show up at at midnight.
Spotlight on the Diedrichs Crew
So I realize I'm casually bandying around these people's names like everyone knows who they are, even though _I_ didn't even know almost any of them two weeks ago. And seeing as I like to think that people read my livejournal, and therefore hope that while it may have massively long entries, it at least is not disconcerting like that, I shall explain a bit about the people whose natural habitat is the Diedrichs off La Paz.
The only one of them I knew more than two weeks ago was Katie D'agistino. Her best friend is Laney, whom I call "Shillaligh" ("shill-ay-lee"). Shillaligh WAS dating this kid Matt, who's pretty for awesome. But he's not to be confused with the OTHER Matt, formerly "the guy with the Steel Reserve & Flogging Molly shirts" (or SRFM). Then there's the two Chrises, Krispy (Chrispy?), and Croa (AKA "Croat")(
Suzanne's "Evil Ex"). Apparently I am "K-Dawg," at least according to Laney. Also there is totally Becka (
momentsxwasted), whom I just inspired to write
The Diedrichs Crew - In Depth. Otherwise there's other people that come and go, but these are the kids that are ALWAYS at Diedrichs.
Life at the House of Fricke
So I've been swimming regularly. As a consequence my dad has taken to jokingly inviting me to go swim with them in the ocean at 6am. They really do this. Like once a week or so he and his friends swim a mile in the ocean at 6am. Wacky. In addition they of course do lots of other working otu too, but 6am in the ocean. ::shudder::. Dad runs triathalons you see.
After dinner the other day dad invited me to try some excellent honey that recently came from one of the hives. It really was particularly exquisite honey. It just struck me a very Fricke moment though... us and our beehives.
And then that same evening (this is all from day before yesterday, when my only lj entry was the quizes), I notice a black widow spider in a jar on the table. Apparently mother found it at the yarn store she now works at... and of COURSE decided to bring it home as a pet. My family is kinda weird.
OMG, further proof that COMMIES are
REAL ULTIMATE POWER, though you can see other opinions
here. The
sorority girl one is particularly choice. And of course,
pirates have always been strong contenders for real ultimate power.
and as if this entry wasn't already long enough...
Dogs on Highways - Two Opinions
CON by Miss Phylicia Witherington
PRO by Chris "Croat" Plancich.