Some things explained

Jun 27, 2003 17:36

My Friends
   I'm trying to see all my old friends as soon as possible, so I've been talking to everybody and making plans with everyone for the next available day. My friends therefor (A) get mad at me because I can't make plans with them until five days later (B) completely flake on me at the last minute so in effect I actually end up sitting at home.

My Job
   Yesterday I had to go into work for CPR/O2/AED recertification. In the past I've come in, they've given me the test, and I've been outta there five minutes later. But for some reason they made the other recerts and I sit through half the class. Good times. At least I got to hang out with some of the other old recerts for awhile.
   And unfortunately I had to be near "Phil" all day. Phil Donitz. He's large and very oafish and utterly lacking in social skills. We're partnering up for CPR and he's like "oh kris lets be partners" "you already have a partner phil" "but I want to be with you you know what you're doing" "yea thats why you should help the newbie" "no look he found another partner" "no he didn't phil go back there" but to no avail I ended up with him and dear god was his breath foul. And during the tests he was blatantly trying to cheat off Little Grachulski and I, which was way easy cause the instructor didn't care.. I have no problem letting people cheat off me, but when its people I don't like who don't have my permission I don't appreciate it; and I myself have honestly never cheated in my life. He asked about question five and I was like "look phil, I have no idea, and frankly I don't want to hear your opinion of the answer either."

My Dad
   As you may know, my father worked for an international engineering corporation that built refineries and suchforth, for 21 years, where he was a Director of Corporate Finance by last year. Then, as the Aliso Viejo complex went from 3,000 employees to 850, he was laid off. Two weeks notice, no severence deal at all. 21 years.
   Since then he's been trying very hard to find a new job, but jobs are hard to find these days. In the interim he has found employment as one of the remaining five employees of Nakamichi corporation, a company that is in the process of dying. Once a national electronics corporation, the American branch of the company is being closed down, and all that remains tying up loose ends is five people.
   Originally hired for just a month or so, his contract was extended repeatedly and he is now the only remaining one in the office on a daily basis (the office being two suites of a hotel owned by the same parent company).
   Cast off from his original job he has gotten himself on a sinking ship.

My Mom
   My mother -whom I can't mention without mentioning as well that she is the most awesome cook ever, though that doesn't relate to this- recently got her teaching credential, but there aren't many openings for teachers these days, so basically we've all been unemployed (which = Kris on full financial aid, wee!)
   Yesterday she went to this YARN store for like.. yarn. Talked to the guy and ended up with a job. Only problem, it sounds like the guy is a certifiable jesus freak. He's like "you sure you don't want to go home and talk to your family and pray?" and a bunch of other statements that makes me a bit concerned.

The Cat
   Having developed rather a mouse problem, we put the neighborhood cat "on contract," meaning we'd entice him to come in and do a few rounds of the house and then mosey on away. This cat is named Barnaby, and he has a spiked collar, just like mine. Unfortunately he doesn't sit on one's lap quietly but claws one the whole time, not conducive to being fun. So by this point he spends copious amounts of time in our house. He belongs to some neighbor, we don't know who. Not the most cuddly cat, but no more mice.

The End

PS: I've been having severe trouble getting internet access lately. You may have noticed. You may not have

yarn lady, barnaby, little grachulski, wild rivers, phil donitz, biographical data

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