On Gettin Jumped

Jun 09, 2003 17:22

UCDP Case #D306-992

So I wake up right. And I'm like "man, that was a weird dream. I was like, fighting people." And then I look around and all my friends are crowded around me, its dark out and I'm on the concrete. I say something like "what the heck is going on?" and someone says something about a fight, and I'm like "wow that was real?"
   So I say something about getting up or going somewhere.. I don't know what I could have been saying I must have been delirious, but Nick says "stay there, an ambulence is coming for you" and I'm like sheit. Then my lifeguard instincts kick in with "wait, I was unconcsious, yes I need to go to the hospital."
   So the paramedics arrive and put me on a backboard. Paramedic: "you ever been on the recieving end of one of these?" "let me tell you it sucks ass being on a backboard in water..." but no really I've only done it in training this is the first time I've ever been backboarded seriously or drivin in an ambulence. They put an IV in me ack I hate needles.
   Spent maybe two hours at the hospital? My left hand was uselss and my head hurt all over, but they x-rayed my hand and neck and declared nothing wrong. Hospital paperwork says I have a "closed head wound" thuogh, go figure.

But because Nick's friend has my keys, I wasn't able to get in my room until this afternoon, lets review:
Getting jumped by four hoodlums: 2 hours in the hospital.
Nick's friend has your keys: homeless for 39 hours.

Flashback! From what I remember of the begining of things, I was talking to some friends when the uglieist of the redneck kids pushed me. I turn around and he's handed his beer to his friend and is stairing up at me with his beady eyes trying to scare me. So I stare down at him confidently and answer his dumb questions as best I can, after about a minute his friend hands him back his beer and is like "lets go." And they turn to go away.
   Then the first guy suddenly turns back and goes to pour his beer on me, I instinctively hit the cup out of his hands. I forget if any got on him but I hope it did, it sure didn't get on me. Next thing I know all four of em jump me.
   It was a bit like a mosh pit.
   No seriously I'm not kidding. And I wanted to laugh at them because all four of them were not doing anything to me at all. All the other guys at the party ran in and this mass brawl started. It was still getting pretty hot for me though so I managed to get out of the middle. Last thing I remember I had broken free from the mob. Then I woke up.
   As far as I can tell what happened is that one of Them got free and ran and jumped on me, getting me on the ground, and witnesses say he proceeded to stomp on my head. Good times. If it weren't for that I woulda gotten out unscathed ::shakes fist::. No seriously the only injuries I have sustained is the mass bludgeoning of my head, which was resultant of the aforementioned, these guys were freakin sissies.

I heard that some people have identified the attackers. I will definitely be pursuing that and bringing up charges, because four on one and stomping on an unconcsious persons head is not kosher at all.

If you have anything you'd like to contribute either tell me, or officer Calvin Change of the UCDP, regarding case D306-992 (UCDP: (530)752-1727). Oh hey if you're lazy I just realized he has an email address too: cbchang@ucdavis.edu

Otherwise the party went pretty well. Nick gets uniqueness points beceause the party was out in the freakin forest. I thought I'd get lost forever while I was triyng to find it. And while I was walking I see this silhuette of a guy coming towards me, in a trench coat with long hair, and I'm like "uhoh, freak!" but no, it turns out its former ASUCD Senate Candidate Xavier Gdfaith. Good times.

nick arora, the gazebo incident, xavier gdfaith, officer chang

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