Alright About That Party

May 20, 2003 01:29

   Alright so about that party. It was for awesome. In short: we completely tapped our three kegs, had 200+ people, the cops never came, no one puked (anywhere they weren't supposed to at least - I saw no evidence whatsoever of puking), nothing was seriously broken (a couch got messed up but is fixable, a freakin tile disappeared, thas all), and most of all Annie says "it has been the best party i've been to in davis."
   The three kegs we had were Brother's Ale, MGD, and Nattie ice ("for the chumps!"). I think we were all very very pleasantly pleased with the quality of Brother's Ale. To further lead the chumps astray we labelled the nattie ice as "heineken" via sharpie and duct tape. I also put out my bottle of vodka and a bottle of grape soda, so people who weren't fans of beer could try my new grape-vodka creation, but Amie Gutierrez totally obsconded with the vodka IMMEDIATELY. Thats okay though she put it to good use (= but yea we similarly labelled the grape soda "chick shit" or something. Hooray for sharpies.
   And when I was buying the grape soda at the grocery store (Ray's Food Place), the cashier, some lady in her 40s, took one look at me and said "no you're not." Why? Well because I was wearing my usual shiznaz,and my new black dickies, spiked collar, and the shirt I had just made that says "PREPPY" really big across the front. And Kristy wore my infamous "POSER" shirt, so we totally matched, it was for awesome.

Otherwise... lets see.. I drank almost nothing but guinness.. it was for awesome. I of course knew hellllla people there and couldn even begin to name names..
   While as several people have noted actually there was a vast number of lj users there (Jackson's List), it occured to me that there were also hella cal aggie (our school paper) employees there. This latter group included: Stan Obklobzija (photographer), Aaron something (arts editor), Jackson Pritt, Tom Deckert (cartoonists), Zackery Amendt ([semi]controversial columnist) and um.. I dunno I bet there were more. And apparently an (ex)drummer from the band Rooney was at my party. That hella weirds me out because I think Rooney is basically for awesome, and that one of them should appear not just at the same party as I, but at MY party, is craziness.

Apparently a tipsy taxi driver declared my party to be the biggest one that night. Hellyes.

I remain bitter that Elisa continues to refuse to recognize that it was my party at all - she attributes sole credit to my co-conspirator Bill the Redhead. I am not amused, but maybe I'm just being shizoid again. Oh this guy Alex from my com6 class donated $20 for alcohol during the party.. he may have been hellof drunk and in the morning had no idea what happened to his twenty, but nevertheless I heavily encourage such behavior and definitely give a shout out to him.

   What else.... according to Kristy I think, Tom (Grossman) "has sex in his eyes."
   Don showed up in an AFI shirt, to which I immediately proclaimed "poser!" and he hellof defensively was like "its a joke!" haha thats as much respect as AFI gets around here. (note: AFI ain't my thing but I don't have any qualms at all with them personally, but their fanbase includes hellof incorrigable posers let me tell you.)

In summary the party went perfectly and I am endlessly pleased. Hope to see y'all at Cameron's (simplistic_me) party on the 31st.

Hmm, "Jackson's List," a movie about one cartoonist's struggle to amuse a vast apathetic campus, coming soon to theatres near you. -starring David Duchovny as Jackson Pritt, Vin Diesal as cartoonist Tom Deckert... Patric Stewart as Chancellor Vanderhoef...

tom deckert, zack amendt, jackson pritt, donavon kelly, amie gutierrez, pocketbookannie, kristy heidenberger, krispalooza 2003, parties, stan obklobzija, thomas grossman, drunken debauchery, bill the redhead

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