" ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Gen. Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency in Pakistan on Saturday, suspending the constitution, replacing the chief justice before a crucial Supreme Court ruling on his future as president, and cutting communications in the capital."
Seven of the 18 Supreme Court judges immediately condemned the emergency, which suspended the current constitution. Police blocked entry to the Supreme Court building and later took the chief justice and other judges away in a convoy, witnesses said. [I'm assuming the "other judges" are the seven who condemned the emergency]
A copy of the emergency order obtained by The Associated Press justified the declaration on the grounds that "some members of the judiciary are working at cross purposes with the executive" and "weakening the government's resolve" to fight terrorism." -
Associated Press, 52 minutes ago.
Lolz. God forbid the judiciary not cooperate with the executive, and if they try to enforce the constitution, lets just suspend it!
(You may recall
last time I mentioned Musharraf and Pakistan he had "suspended" the Chief Justice. Anyway, since then the courts pwned Musharraf's suspension and reinstated Chief Justice Chaudhry)