In my five years of involvement in ASUCD, I have seen a lot of extremely shady antics. As I’ve mentioned before, I do not believe power corrupts, I believe power allows the already-prone-to-corruption to show themselves. There are a lot of scandals in real government, and students love to point these out - but what most people don’t realize is
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The retroactive solution was very controversial, and whether or not you agreed with it, I fully believe everyone had the best intentions, on both sides. So I am going to second Rob's assertion that Kristin should not be on the list. And how are Ackerman, Sanders and Lloyd lower on the list than Peake? Peake retracted his statement that Markevich should be fired and pulled his call for a closed session. I also would have put Jon as #1 on exemplary, no offense Mattie :).
The idea to call the closed session was not my idea. I was down for talking about if Pete's handling of the situation (not the fact he was an idiot in the first place) rendered him unable to perform in his duties. Have I made some stupid mistakes? Sure. But I think I am not too shady.
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