Yesterday I went to
Veronica's "Elegant California Casual" graduation party. It was quite pleasant. Turns out most of the guys had come to a consensus that "elegant california casual" meant nice jeans and an untucked button-up shirt. It was fun, I got along with most of the people there pretty well. Two other guys there had been lifeguards with me at Wild Rivers in ancient times, so it was cool catching up with them.
Today, despite having other kinds of beer in stock here, we didn't have any
Mackeson Triple Stout, so I scampered over to Trader Joes to get some more. Got the last two six packs ... and then after the cashier handed me the bags the handle on the grocery bag ripped and it fell on the floor, spilling its thick black (delicious) mackeson blood!! )=!! Guy asked me if I wanted to get two six-packs of something else. I was like "ummm...... can I just have the unbroken bottles?" Fortunately it turned out that only two had broken. A travesty nevertheless! )=
And then who should come pushing a cart over to the checkout line, but miss Veronica Borrowdale herself!
Picture of the Day
My take on "elegant California casual"
More pictures from the party!
Also, fyi: The illustrious
Aaron Aviv just informed me that he's coming to California on Sept 11th for two weeks. Plan accordingly.