Working the Bee Mines

Jun 16, 2007 14:16

   Internet's been down all day [Friday]. I can't figure out whats wrong. We have an internet for our connection, but I can't connect to any sites. Its not even sending as few packets of information back as it does when the system is down at my apartment complex. I reset my computer, the modem, and the router, respectively, and nothing seems to resolve the situation.
   Now I've resorted to writing an entryi in notepad (maybe I ought to download one of those lj update programs for offline writing such as this).

*** EDIT: 2:19pm Saturday*** - Internet is back. Don't know what was wrong. Anyway, yesterday I wrote this and the 30 in 30 on zombies I'm about to upload. I'd have made a phone post to remove any question that I got something in on the right day, but I'm saving those for the road trip. Anyway, I think a complete lack of internet access is a valid excuse. Just remember "today" in this entry refers to yesterday.

   Anyway, today at work:
   This morning I was cleaning out the tools we had salvaged from our truck that was totalled the other day. While I doing so Dave, the owner, asked me if I was still looking for other jobs. Assuming he was about to remind me that they really don't need me right now and they're doing me a big favour by employing me and I shouldn't get too comfortable, I was quick to answer that I was. To this he responded "Whats wrong with this job?"
   "Well I feel like I need a more college-graduate-oriented job"
   "We can make some graduate work for you around here, on monday I'll call my friend Dr Tanis and ask about getting us a research grant. I've already got microscopes and everything else you'll need."

I had actually already checked to see if the Bee Research Facility at Davis was hiring any laboratory assistants. With the mysterious "colony collapse syndrome" decimating commercial bee populations at the moment, Bee research is of high interest. The Bee Research Facility at Davis, btw (which I visited while up there last week), is ramping itself back up. Its been just barely maintaining its existence since the nineties, without any professors attached to it at all. By November I believe it'll be back in operation with three attached professors and accompanying staff.

Anyway, we spent much of the morning cleaning the stuff from the truck. Somewhere in the middle I was interrupted by Dave inviting us to watch an old John Wayne movie ("The Searchers") on his new laptop. Dave also gave me the traning manual to get an applicator's liscense, which would make me legally allowed to kill bees on my own (as opposed to the legally questionable services performed by the Davis Beekeepers Collective ;) (Scroll to the very bottem of that page to see me being a jerk) ) Later on Bob and I went and did some calls.

honeybees, employment, david marder, bee busters

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