Justice may be sweet, but the "scrambled eggs" at Orange County's Central Justice Centre taste absolutely terrible.
The weekend before last was St Patricks Day. I hate St Patricks Day. Its a day the Irish are stereotyped in the most outlandish fashions, and people can frequently be foundn attempting terrible terrible Irish accents that grate upon my ears.
Anynway, I was in San Diego with Kristy & co. We went to a bar called O'Hungrys that sells beer by the yard (50oz!) and half yard (25oz). There we were amazed to see an individual chug an entire half yard in one go.
Shortly, the individual who did this looked over at us and exclaimed "Kris!!?"
Turns out it was my RA* from freshman year!
*I don't know how standard the terminology is but RA = Resident Advisors; the people who enfore the zero tolerance on drinking in the dorms policy.
This past weekend I was down in San Diego again, this time for the
PAXMUN San Diego High Schools Conference (SDHSMUNC). There I was chair of the League of Arab States, and when not in committee got to hang out with such illustrious individuals as Matt "Papa Smurf" Wilkerson, "Marky Mark" Edwards, Swati Srivistava, and the legendary
Vern Gill. All of these people will also be at
my own conference in mid-April, but Marky Mark only because there's a meeting of all the Governor-Generals (too crafty for me to trick him into staffing!).
Additionally there were of course other staff that I approve of, but I can't roll-call everyone. I thought I'd note however that Nicholas "Luxurious Hair" Anduze, who was Iraq in my AMPAC committee last year was on staff (he's
also famous for being on MTV's "Date My Mom")
Anyway my committee had only 11 people in it, which kind of sucked, but it kept moving. Eventually, trade negotiations with Iran broke down and many members of the Arab League were incensed by the arrogant attitude the Iranian diplomat displayed to them (represented by Swati), so the Arab League declared war on Iran en bloc. But then Swati came in and gave them a thorough lecture on why they shouldn't do that (one delegate later recalled "we got served!") ... which in my opinion rather spoiled the fun. Another amusing quote towards the end of committee was "All we've done here is reject pleas of help from our brethren!"
Anyway I feel like there was probably more I wanted to report but I don't recall it at the moment. Next up, AMPAC, April 12th-15th!! (Picnic day, unfortunately )= )