I return to my apartment briefly to pick up a scantron and pencil for my brewing class. I find all the lights out in my apartment, which is slightly odd because Jason usually always leaves lights on, but who knows maybe he was feeling energy conscious for once or something. As I make my way to my room by the light of my cell phone, I suddenly see something move on the couch -- oh no have I actually disturbed my roommate in the act of making sweet sweet love?! No, thats even more ridiculous!
"Did you hear what happened?" Jason asks me, sitting up on the couch in the dark. His tone is matter of fact. Are the lights off because his family all died in a tragic car crash and he's wallowing in lightless misery? Has there been some terrorist attack?
"They shut off our power"
Now, let me first say, this is in no way my fault. Making sure utilities are paid is entirely Jason's responsibility, while the rent is mine.
And so, it looks like I'll be finishing my college career huddled in the dark.
ASUCD Mediation
Today ASUCD Elections
Chairman Leathers and
Advisor Tucker had a
meeting, mediated by ASUCD Business Manager Mark Champagne. What I find most newsworthy about this is that "Tucker did mention that he was the one who suggested that the Court hold its hearing in regards to the ineligible Senate candidates and let the Senate decide whether to accept it or not."
This is of course a reference to the
Case # 28 Hearing, in which everyone was ready to have the hearing except due to the sudden resignation of one justice the day before, and Justice Harney being a party to the case (and as usual there being three vacancies on top of that), the Court could not make quorum. Now I'd realized this right before the hearing and was kind of stressing out. I did mention it to Tucker but he gave me no more useful advise than "oh I'm sure it'll be fine." We go to start the Hearing and to my alarm Advisor Tucker advises all those assembled that on his authority, this meeting would be considered legitimate. Then, having received no communication from him, telepathic or otherwise, I announced that no, the Court would clearly recognize that they did not have quorum as required by the bylaws, that they would conduct the hearing, and later the senate could decide if they would consider the hearing legitimate. This came to be known as the "Manila Solution," since the opinion was placed in a manila envelope, where it resides to this day.
Anyway, the bottem line is that Tucker had absolutely nothing to do with the Manila Solution, or anything regarding that case other than a failed attempt to declare the hearing valid by "Advisorial Decree." Note also that in
my entry on that subject, I mention that Tucker thanked me for saving him from Chad van Schoelandt (who had been about to explode at Tucker over the illegitimacy of Advisorial Decrees before I said that we would in fact remain within the bylaws), which is further evidence that though I never thought it would be disputed, the idea was mine, not Tucker's.
The reason I consider this relevant enough to write these fiveparagraphs about is that this is not a simple missattribution, this is ethical plagiarism. Presumably it came up at the meeting because Leathers cited the Advisorial Decree as evidence of Tucker overstepping his powers, and so this misattribution critically changes the answer to that question. Furthermore, I am proud of my handling of the situation. I believe many other people would have loved the excuse to say that they did in fact have legitimacy in the situation, but I stood firm in my beliefs of my limitations. And so, for Tucker to plagiarize my actions I find offensive.
However, granted he's never seemed particularly interested in the judicial aspect of ASUCD, I find it extremely plausible that it simply wasn't salient enough to him for him to remember correctly. I certainly hope, at least, that he honestly believed what he said was true, rather than knowingly lying. I also fervently hope, however, that he realizes the inaccuracy of the statement, because if he makes it again I'm going to be deeply offended.
And then we just might need mediation. (=
Picture of the Day
Batman, now working for the KGB!!
Seriously, that is the floor of the new Defence Intellegence HQ in Moscow. Presumably this is NOT a joke, because its from
the BBC. "In Soviet Russia, BATMAN forks YOU!."
Previously on Emosnail
Three Years Ago Yesterday:
513 Hits / 24 Hours - Is how many hits this livejournal gets in a test a run.
Two Years Ago Today:
The Trial of the Elections Committee - Former Elections Committee is basically annihilated by Plaintiff, & former candidate "Hanging Chad" van Schoelandt, who goes on to become the next Elections Chairman. I believe current Chairman Leathers was also on the Plaintiffs team in this case.