ASUCD Senate Votes to Send Ostrowski Out of Country!

Dec 08, 2006 07:15

The ASUCD Gulag
   After a 2+ hour debate in which two people cried, the ASUCD Senate finally came to an agreement: they would fork out $1,000 to send the controversial Steven Ostrowski to do hard labour in another country.

Indictment Act
   Judicial Proposal 7 was finally passed (12-0-0) as Senate Bill 35. To have the ASUCD Senate consider the removal of a Justice:
   Formerly required a motion by a Senator (no need for a 2nd even), Justice would be told 24 hours in advance that they were being considered for removal (they need not be told (and usually weren't) anything more specific about the charges than that it is a "personnel matter") & that they have a right to make the closed session on them open;
   Henceforth (assuming President Holloway signs the Bill) a motioning Senator will have to write up charges citing (i) the specific bylaw or subsection of the judicial code of ethics allegedly violated, (ii) the specific action or inaction the Defendant Justice allegedly committed and the specific time and place if applicable, (iii) the general evidence or witnesses who would be able to attest that it is reasonable to believe these allegations, and (iv) an argument or explanation that if believed these allegations would render the Defendant Justice unfit for their position; and the validity of these charges must be confirmed by the Internal Affairs Commission; if approved by the IAC, the motioning Senator then may proceed as before (24 hour notice etc), but the defendant Justice shall of course be given the approved charge sheet and may only be charged in accordance with such.
   Unfortunately, when I think about the spurious charges made against ASUC Berkeley Chief Justice Sonya Banerjee earlier this quarter, they might have slipped through even the new indictment process here, * but at least for example the spurious "just to talk' impeachment hearing Sen Birdsall called against Justice Harney & myself last year would have been right out.

Anyway, needless to say the passage of SB35(2006) should actually make a huge improvement in the independance of the ASUCD Judiciary. It was a very positive note for my last ASUCD meeting, ever.

Using E
   Every time Sen Alexandra Frick's name is called I think my name is being called since "Frick" is a very very common mispronouncement of "Fricke." In fact, our names are in all probability etymologically linked and we share a 16th century Prussian ancestor. I am rather disappointed, however, that Alex's ancestors gave up the fight to explain that the "e" is not silent. (Though my own ancestors missplaced an accent mark that was over the "e" somewhere in Brazil)

Advising Advisor: Rein in Reign or Resign
   The Aggie ran an editorial yesterday supporting Elections Chairman Leathers' call for ASUCD Advisor Tucker to change his behaviour or resign. This comes a day after a front page article reporting on the situation, which was initiated the day previous by a livejournal post on the subject by Leathers.
   Article ends with "Tucker has little ASUCD experience and would do well to pay some respect to those students who have been active members of the association longer than he has."
   On any account, rumour I'm hearing is that Tucker was never planning on being the advisor for more than two years, before scampering off to law school. I think its kind of silly to hire an advisor for so short a period of time that they'll never have more experience than the senior student leaders (previous advisor Eric Sanchez was around less than a year). I have a brilliant idea for our next advisor though: former Sen Lamar Heystek.
   I'd be available to take the job presumably, but I'm in no need for such a demotion ;) (For Heystek though it would be an appropriate "day job" to support him while on city council (which does not pay I believe)). But really I plan on not being around here for the rest of eternity ... though on the plus side it would be the ultimate last laugh on Vicki Swett if I ended up with her job.

Quote of the Day: "I bet you never thought I'd be contemplating filing two back-to-back cases!" - Kai "No Need for a Judiciary" Savaree-Ruess.

Year Ago Today: Unqualified Candidates Scandal Breaks - News of the Unqualified Candidates Scandal first breaks. Also, I'm quoted in a student government court opinion in Texas.

asucd gulag, asucd supreme court, alexandra frick, judicial proposal 7, asucd, steven ostrowski, asucd senate, kai savaree-ruess

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