Bees on a Plane!

Aug 18, 2006 01:27

   Kristy visited from last Thursday until yesterday (Wednesday). As always, it was awesometastic. As always, it will take a bit before I can articulate it all into a livejournal entry.
   The same day Kristy arrived, my third-cousin Laura, & my brother Tobin arrived at the same airport, and terr'ists tried to blow up planes in England.
   Anyway, Laura being my third-cousin, the means our common ancestor is our great-great grandfather Louis Fricke, who was born in 1850 and lived in Germany until he died sometime in the 1920s. My great-grandfather Vilhelm immigrated to Brazil while his brother, Laura's great-grandfather, Ludwig, stayed in Germany. (See also this entry for a tale going back yet another generation further)
   The addition of these persons brought the inhabitants of our house in Mission Viejo to: Mom, Dad, Me & Kristy, Eric (My little brother), Stacie (Eric's g/f), Marcus (Stacie's son), Tobin & Laura.

On Monday my cousin Holly married this British lad. They are going to scamper off to England asap. The wedding was quite fun, and I have put up my pictures from it already.
   Interestingly, one of us had looked at Holly's horoscope that morning on a whim and it advised "say yes!" We thought that was pretty funny and were gonna cut it out and bring it to her but we all forgot.

Picture of the Day

Introducing ... Holly & Simon Bull
this without the flash, I think its kind of cool.

More wedding pictures

Bees on a Plane!!
   Bee Busters called me on Wednesday morning. I thought they had forgotten what day I came back and were wondering where I was. But it turns out actually that the Wall Street Journal had put a story about Bee Busters & specifically "bees on planes" prominantly on their front page that day!! (Must have been a really slow news day?)
   Local television news, like voltures, decided to swarm on the story as if it was some amazing breaking story (we do bees on planes pretty frequently), and they wanted to know if I had a picture of bees on a plane I could rustle up for them to put up with their stories for the evening news.
   Kristy & I stopped by Bee HQ later that day to find a squadron of reporters just hanging out waiting for something exciting to happen. Two stations (one was ABC I think?) ended up running the story in their evening news.

louis fricke, simon bull, vilhelm fricke, laura fricke, holly bull, bee busters

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