Tuesday October 26th, 1999: the day after
the day I'd set about becoming the new best friend of the girl my best friend Alberto had a crush on -- After school Alberto convinces me to go with him into the band-room, which was known to be Oakley's habitat. The band-room immediately steals my soul and I am cursed to not go a single weekday without entering the bandroom for several weeks thereafter.
In what may be a direct precursor to this livejournal, I end up writing a "weekly band-room rat report" on the weekly antics of the band-room rats. This report was compiled weekly through extensive interviews and research (really), and published in the weekly SWO Newsletter, which had a circulation of 700+. Though SWO stands for "Simpsons World Order" I got away with writing nonsimpsons-related articles for maybe a year before editor-in-chief Matt Mullen told me I needed to write about the Simpsons or get canned. Senior year I also wrote a weekly column on "the World According to Mr Drinkworth," who was a history teacher who would very routinely try to pass of retarded things as fact, such as "cold air rises, thats why there's snow on mountains." I also started writing a weekly Futurama report, since Futurama is awesome and kind of Simpsons-related. Anyway, eventually Mullen canned me, and the whole enterprize immediately went under. In preparing for this entry I searched for the archives but they're no longer on the internets. Mullen says he has them on a computer at home somewhere though so maybe someday they will be resurrected.
I immediately launched my own weekly satire newsletter called the Chosen Echidna, which continued for a short time, and I reserve the right to resurrect at any moment.
Anyway, enough of that tangent. So Alberto and I ventured into that dank cave known as the Band Room. There I ran into bassoonist Elena Jordanov again. The next day we hung out with them there at lunch. By Thursday evening Alberto called me:
Him: "Dude!" (which translates to "you're not going to believe what I'm about to tell you")
Me: "Dude!" (trans: well tell me already)
Him: "Dude!" (trans: no really I have a great idea)
Me: "Why are you calling me? we were talking on AIM"
Him: "Hey we should try to get Oakley & Elena to go trick-or-treating with us"
And so we proceeded to work out some devious overly-complicated plot to ask Oakley and Elena to spend Halloween with us (which was the upcoming Saturday)
The next day as we were standing on the band-room entrance ramp getting ready to put our devious plan into action, Oakley pulled out a "so, you guys should hang out with us on halloween."
Previously on Emosnail
Previously on the Prehistory Series:
Meeting Oakley & Elena - Which takes place immediately prior to this.