The Halloween Murders

May 11, 2006 19:27

   Today there was a ruckus at the Courthouse again. The verdict was due out for the so-called "Halloween Murders" of 2002, wherein five suspected gang members shot to death two victims and injured two others. The courthouse was abuzz this morning with discussion about the case. The courtroom was filled to capacity leaving many would-be attendees locked out. In the office of the court reporters there was discussion that they could have set up the recording equipment to hear it live down there if they'd thought of it beforehand. A small crowd of employees gathered around at the security station to watch the proceedings from the security camera view. There wasn't sound but it being an emotional event for those involved one could get a pretty good idea of what was going on based on body movements. Eventually I believe the defendants were found guilty of all fifteen charges.

The clicheness of "Halloween Murders" unfortunately makes it very difficult to search google for information on the case. )=

Picture of the Day

Mystery Location!
Sepiatone = love

Previously on Emosnail
   Year & a Week Ago Last Saturday: Thomas Lloyd Explains How He Hates Justice - Or at least why he thinks there should be no checks on the legislature. Incidently, while running for office one of his platforms was strengthening the judiciary.
   Year & a Week Ago Last Monday: Unless & KYD Show - a picture of Zane's head and juggling classes.
   Year Ago Last Friday: Kickin It With Important People - Former Director-General of the US Foreign Service introduces me to the former US Ambassador to the UN ... then I assassinate someone.
   Year Ago Last Sunday: Roxie's B-day - and a picture of me with the green mohawk.

work, yolo superior court, halloween murders, working at yosuco

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