Ode to the California Aggie

Apr 19, 2006 02:05

Dear the California Aggie Newspaper,

Our court hearing today had record attendance by important people in ASUCD. It was hotly debated and is considered by many to be an important case for ASUCD. Unfortunately, one important person was prominantly missing: an Aggie reporter.
   We miss you the California Aggie, and we would like to give our relationship another chance. It is true that we've both said harsh things in the past, and maybe we took things too personally, but I really valued our relationship and don't want it to end this way.
   We used to be such a team! Remember the good old days when together we gave the ASUCD Senate the shellacking of a lifetime when they tried to impeach me? Now they try to impeach me and you pretend you don't even know me the California Aggie! And you've pointedly ignored my last several hearings or anything else Court related, ever since that Laabs v Stone case.
   I didn't mean for you to take it like that. Its not you, its me! Can't we still at least be friends?
   You say you just need some space (from ASUCD), and I respect that. Personally I think the Aggie should be free from ASUCD intervention, but its not my place to do anything about that.
   I don't care what everyone else says, I think your long flowing URLs are beautiful, and your opinion polls in which one can vote as many times as they like if they turn off cookies, they show big personality.

And so, the California Aggie, I beseech thee, let us go back to the good old days when you'd fondly reminisce about my hearings two days later on page six; when you'd playfully reconstruct my quotes to humorously misleading effect; when I'd wake up at 8am on Sunday mornings to the beautiful sound of your thousand voices in the newsroom over the phone, while I blearily tried to give a half intelligent quote about something.
   I miss you the California Aggie, must you really continue to ignore me?

~The ASUCD Supreme Court

the california aggie

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