"To advance the Christian agenda in the ASUCD government with the eventual control of the Senate, Executive, Courts, and committees."
"To expose the hypocrisy of anti-Christian elements on campus."
"The Christian Slate should reflect a Christian view and so I propose that the Christian Slate be at all times 77% Christian or higher. This is the 2001 Christian percentage for the United States. The current level is 87% Christian. This will affect invites and approval of members when the group is closed."
First two quotes taken from the
Christian Slate Daviswiki page, third one a messege from the founder in their
Thefacebook group. They also have a
Myspace group. The Thefacebook group boasts 151 members at this time.
Simply put, I think this is quite possibly the most creepy thing I've ever seen in ASUCD.
Picture of the Day
Will the rule of law triumph over religion, or will religion intercept the proverbial gavel between the hand that holds it and the head?
In Other News: "
Court Rules in Favour of County on Conaway Ranch." Basically the County is trying to use
eminent domain to acquire
Conaway Ranch from the group of private owners, The Conaway Preservation Group. "Groups on both sides of the debate claim they do not wish the surface water on the land to be sold to Southern California developers or surrounding counties." Ostensivly they're fighting for the same thing, and I really don't know which side to believe ... though I'm rather suspicious of the County. I really appreciate how the Aggie article (source of quotes used here) refers to "the Court" throughout without specifying which Court -- oh wait no I don't: badaggie badaggie [said as if admonishing a bad kitten]. I believe they're referring to a decision of the Third District California Court of Appeals. Also "The county claims the land is worth the approximately $60 million that was paid when the Conway Preservation Group purchased the land in 2005. The Conway Preservation Group, however, claims the land is worth several million dollars" ... is 60 million not "several million?"