A Superior Court Experience

Feb 18, 2006 20:31

   After some delays, I finally began working at the Superior Courthouse in Woodland yesterday. I lurk amid bookshelves of records that move back and forth on tracks. When these aren't sufficient, one must get records from either "the bunker," or "the vault." I think there's a third location as well. The courthouse is primarily peopled by two types of people -- bureaucrats who also spend their day wrangling records, and sheriffs deputies. The sheriffs deputies wear all black uniforms, and seem to without exception be about as friendly as an imperial stormtrooper. Occasionally, one will also see prisoners being escorted about in striped pajamas like in cartoons (seriously!).

During lunch I went across the street to the Fat Cat Cafe. There I encountered none other than the prosecutor from my jury-duty experience last Spring, one Tim Wallace. When I mentioned that I thought he dismissed me because he thought I was an anarchist, he responded with "hah, ME?" and made this face as if to say I should be well aware that he himself is practically an anarchist. He also mentioned having written a letter-to-the-editor the other day strongly criticizing the Chancellor vis-a-vis the Celestial Rose Scandal (I'm guessing in the Davis Enterprise?). After he left someone else approached the defense attorney he'd been chatting with and tried to convince him to have a particular witness testify. I felt like I was in a movie or something.

In Other News: Interned Japanese-Americans are no longer banned from Davis.

Picture of the Day

I think this has got to be the coolest picture ever taken

Previously on Emosnail
   Year and a Week Ago Last Tuesday: No Entry
   Year and a Week Ago Last Thursday: The Weight of a Tomato - I write a letter-to-the-editor regarding the silly "eat at taco bell = kill a farm worker" campaign.
   Year and a Week Ago Last Friday: ASUCD Scandal Apocalypse - RECENTLY DECLASSIFIED: Someone unloads a massive amount of dirt on ASUCD politicians onto Daviswiki. Some of it is known to be true, none of it is known to be false. All records of this legendary drama-bomb have been purged from Daviswiki, but it lives on on the EncyclopediaDramatica as the "Daviswiki Deepthroat / Fingercuffs Incident.
   Year Ago Last Wednesday: Fish, Racism, & Tomatoes - Three entries, one photo essay (Monterey Aquarium), one poll, and one "Lily Johnson" who thinks persons of European ancestry are genetically incapable of understanding some issues.
   Year Ago Last Thursday: Correcting All Wrongs - (Two entries) The "War on Wrong" heats up, with the breaking of the UCDMUN dinnergate incident, an attempt to both pillage CFC for unnecessary funds and use them in a manner which excludes the less affluent 80% of the club -- but then again Lily Johnson things I'm genetically predisposed to be over-priviledged so maybe I should just go ahead and take the CFC funds.
   Year Ago Tomorrow: "Lily Johnson is real" - Anonymous - Ooh scary! Polls indicate that one third of respondants are shocked to learn anyone doesn't like me, one third want to slap one or both recent anonymous commenters, and another sixth believe posting anonymous "exhibits a lack of insecurities and a positive self image we should all seek to attain." Also I introduce the first ASUCD shadiness poll, a popular feature that would run weekly for some time. In this first poll ASUCD got rated 7.79 / 10 in terms of shadiness.

tim wallace, yolo superior court, working, working at yosuco

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