Last night it was like totally pouring rain at 4am. I was stoked about that. Not that I was out and about at 4am hehe eh heh heh uh.
Drove over to IHOP to finally pick up my pay checks. Chris was there. Yea so he didn get sent to jail.. apparently he was just totally tripping out on shrooms or something. Paychecks amounted to $351.11. On like Monday or Tuesday I'd picked up my financial aid check, which was $1,382.50. AND I got paid the $40 yesterday of course, meaning this week I was paid a total of $1,773.61. Good times.
It is currently Friday night, and so far I haven't heard of anything worth doing. I am currently of the opinion that people in general are very overrated and about ready to shut down all attempts to have a social life so.. yea.
And continuing in my series of tangents regarding
the Dominion of Blehtahepdakorum; I shall now elaborate on the names of its officials. I have found it quite amusing thinking up interesting names for the various people I attribute things to; in my procrastination I've made a few posts regarding things in the forum there, and always attribute it to someone.
The head of state is of course the Holy Emperor Blehtahepdakor XIV, who has not yet made any statements himself but is always referred to with great reverence, and on whose behalf everything is attributed.
The Minister of State, who makes the most important announcements in the UN has been named as Grand Moff Spiridonovic Ibtrixenetox. Todays report on our national animal, the Saber-Toothed Snail, was made by the Minister of the Environments, Lt General Zyedendedredex Boot. Yes, you know its an oppressive nation when say the minister of environments is a general. Other names of note are Iblix Bleeghmare, and Kleb Dedroehederex.
I think I'll name my second child Zyedendedredex...
UPDATE: 05:56am
Results of a conversation with Eric from The List:
"[00:02:08] hobgoblin155: you also dominate the 'epic livejournal entry' scene"
And he created a nationstate,
The Disputed Territories of The List.
"[01:07:51] hobgoblin155: I'm trying to make the nation as much like my garage as possible
[01:08:18] hobgoblin155: Beef-Based Agriculture is big there, too"
(His garage is a key player in the UC Davis underground scene)
Flag of The List: