
Aug 02, 2005 22:43

   Sometime last week Jeremy saw a building that had "PLAZCRAK" tagged on the side in huge typically graphiti bubble letters. Since then we've gradually started to joke about it more and more. For example, upon finding that the gas station we'd pulled into didn't have a bathroom, one would exclaim "where must one go to take a plaz crap around here??" or today I got the plazcrap stung out of my hand.
   There wasn't even a bee involved. I've been stung on the job four times so far and only once has it been personally delivered by an angry bee. Today I was picking up one of the five gallon buckets we put honey and comb from destroyed colonies in and apparently there was a stinger on the handle. Not even a dead bee, just a stinger. And I don't think I've been stung so hard in my life. At the time it hurt more than usual, I think I got all the venom. My finger looks sausage-like and my hand is inflated like a balloon. But hey its not as bad as the (former) technician that got stung near the eye and his eye was swollen shut (incidently he quit like a day or two later).
   The one bee that stung me in person got me in the eyebrow, but I think she barely nicked me before I delivered an annihilating defense. The other stings I received were while squeezing water out of a wet rag I'd been using to clean equipment, I squeezed the stinger right into my hand (this was in the garage, like today); and my first sting was while I was taking off the bee suit -- I foolishly removed my gloves first and then as I reached behind me to pull my suit from the back I grabbed a bee that was on me.
   Our owner (who my paycheck reveals is actually named Theodor D. Marder III) often deals with bees in just shorts and a t-shirt. He is more or less accustomed to being stung, although purportedly the obvious concern for doing this in shorts once proved true, and he was stung on the member. You'd think he must be on plaz-crack to continue bee busting in shorts.

Today we actually had time to sit down and eat lunch (though otherwise the day was pretty busy), and were conveniently nearby, so we stopped by a Pizza Hut near Jeremy's house in Huntington Beach, and his girlfriend Katie met us there. This Pizza Hut you see has a lunch buffet on Tuesdays of all you can eat of any of their pizza, breadsticks, and cinnamon sticks. It was pretty awesome "and that's a plaz-fact." It was a bit cold in there, but I was okay because my stung hand was radiating heat (=

In other news, Alexis and I went to the OC Fair on Sunday. We saw the rodeo that was going on there, among other things. Ran into my friend Irene, who introduced me to her sister as "the male version of Hannah"
   Also, Diedrichs has been under a fumigation tent and they cut down all the large trees in the nearby gully. It looks like they're on a sprucing up frenzy over there. Hopefully its not in preparation to bulldoze the whole complex and replace it with a parking structure.

Previously on Emosnail
   Two Years Ago Today: A Double Rescue & Other WR Shenanigans - and a brief review of who at Diedrichs is homeless.
   Year Ago Yesterday: Rating Ratings Communities - The idea behind ratecommunities is born! Man I just checked up on the community after neglecting it a bit and sure enough people have tried to promote their communities there. Unfortunately it appears I hadn't disabled the ability of just anyone to make entries so there are promos as regular entries, which wasn't the intention at all. I ought to clean it up and get it running like it was intended with asapness, so I can plaz the crap out of these community promoting fools!

ratecommunities, hannah westergard, honeybees, irene, ian butler, jeremy bruce, bee busting, david marder, bee busters

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