"park behind the police and other official vehicles in front of the arrivals terminal, leave the blinkers on, find the white courtesy phone in baggage claim 4, they will give you further instructions." Later instructions included finding the man with one red shoe, conveying the secret password and passing off a locked briefcase. No just kidding but we thought the white courtesy phone thing was a bit weird. Anyway, this is how we ended up on the tarmac at
John Wayne (Orange County) Airport, executing a swarm of bees on a conveyor truck between two United 757s.
Spent a bunch of time of roofs today. This one crazy lady swore she had wasps and would not talk about bees with our dispatcher. Upon arrival it was evident that anyone with the most basic understanding of the respective insects would know these were clearly bees. There was a mammoth colony on her roof that had been there for at least a year by the looks of it. And then she refused to pay the $125 death to bees fee. We settled for $100, but those crazy entrenched bees she has tehre are gonna need a a follow up and $300 worth of work to get them out, so take that, crazy lady.
Two swarms on my former high school, Mission Viejo HS, today.
In Unrelated News: it makes me sad that there aren't really any updates on the (former)
list of 30 in 30 2005 participants. Everyone has returned into the dark crevices from whence they came.
Previously on Emosnail
Two Years Ago Today:
Debauchery at Top of the World - And Brandon the Gay Poser (BtGP) once again tries to molest a female.
Year Ago Today:
Interests Meme - Compare to the same meme
this year.