32 of 45 - Snailie Awards Continued

Jul 02, 2005 20:55

   So as I mentioned there were some Snailie Awards I have yet to give out.


>Best Icon, Second Runner Up: Okay the other day I couldn't think of the icons I'd noticed that were awesome, but I've since come across them again. As such we're going to declare the previous best icon recipient to be the third runner-up. -- Second runner-up after much investigation turns out to be 30 in 30's own eagon!

Best Icon: We're proud to present this year's Best Icon Snailie to a 30 in 30 participant (she may not have finished 30 in 30, she may have only done 6 of 30, but she was there with the comments all along). This meme said I should be interested in her, and its true she does at least have an awesome icon, congratulations jackie__kennedy.

Most Likely Spiralling into Insanity: We'd tell you to compare his recent entries to previous ones, but in a bout of delirium he deleted them all! On any account he'd probably challenge you to a knife fight. If there's any doubt though about his continuing sanity, he did try to knife fight the sun. Despite the fact that I frequently can't understand his entries anymore, he still gets excessive numbers of comments. Anyway, he is the Poet Laureate of California, congratulations trembyle.

Most Likely Not To Realize I Mentioned Them: this is my personal favourite, we give an award to someone who is active on livejournal but I strongly suspect just skips over my entries and is most likely to remain completely oblivious to the fact that I gave them an award. This one is a toughie, but I think I'll go with bellicose_belle.

Notable Recent Additions to the Blogosphere: In other news, I'd like to welcome the ACLU's man on the ground, oeaschwab, and Gender & Sexuality Commission's Gennadotorg to the Blogosphere.

Tales of 30 in 30
   I'm not going to attempt a top ten or five best entries of 30 in 30 thing because such a ranking would require far too much effort, but I'd like to share the important parts with those of you who weren't following it closely.
   First off, to get an idea who we are talking about, uyu can see most of the participants, as kittens, here.
   Professor_David started out very strong with entries such as Jesus Cthulhu, which I would become mildly obsessed with. It appears Professor_David also successfully completely 30 in 30 with one post every 24 hours, a valiant achievement.
   EMD kept us consistently entertained with a healthy peppering of pictures and images throughout the month. One must see for the casual blogtourist is this weird gravestone that she found.
   jackie__kennedy proposed the creation of the state of Califlorida.
   gerbilgrrl had a run-in with El Chupacabra
   apoplecticfittz, AKA The Bloggist, the only man in history to complete 30 in 30 perfectly twice in a row, churned out quality entries from the start, and he did this all with a Rob Roy Hitler Aviator Mustache. Other highlights include the blogopoly game, Blogger Trading Cards, another issue of the Monkey Devil, and finally the second annual Frasky Awards, also this 30 in 30 took Chris Fittz through Devo Week and even resulted in rare introspective entries.

geni_ratto05 took 30 in 30 in a different direction, challenging herself to make ONLY one entry per day as opposed to her usual four or five. This is a good illustration of the different meaning 30 in 30 can have for different people.
   otimus launched an anti-30 in 30 campaign that interestingly consisted of an entry a day for the first 22 days of June. Then, apparently, he got a new computer and spent all his free time playing computer games.
   abunchofcrap ostensibly participated as well but all her entries are friends only, which is, well, a bunch of crap.
   deluxed participated but with comments disabled, which I think is pretty much the opposite of deluxe. trembyle did that as well but he was doing it to challenge himself not to be such a comment whore, which is admirable because 30 in 30 is about challenging yourself to become a better bloggist. She actually posted some good entries about people's voicemail messages and things, but its still such sauce that she talks smack on vanilla cherry diet dr. pepper and doesn't allow for rebuttal.
   But of course anyone who participated in 30 in 30 regardless of how well they did or didn't do, is still more awesome for what they did do.

And next year, I expect to see the rest of you!

Picture of the Day

I linked to this the other day but I'm sure most of you didn't follow the link, ingrates. Its weird not because I was trying to be artsy but rather I could only get the whole honey bee metropolis in the picture by taking it diagonally.

Previously on Emosnail
   Two Years Ago Today: Plain White T's Show - and I run into Vanessa Beard and Arya at Chain Reaction?!
   Year Ago Today: Phonepost: Strongest Sauce Message Ever - Hear Kristy's delightful voice as she observes squirrels frolicking. Seriously listen to it.

vanessa beard, 30 in 30, james schwab, snailie awards, awards, genevieve carnes

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