So today was like the worst day ever. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. But at least once again there were
crazy preachers on the quad with signs condemning everyone from Mormons to "computer freaks" and "
people who speak to their pets more than God."
Many people like to heap ridicule upon these preachers, however, I must say I think I might have more disdain for the people who ridicule them. Firstly, no one on either side is going to change their mind in these confrontations. Secondly, honestly worse behaviour is exhibited by the hecklers than the preachers. Trying to
smother him in the LGBT banner? Not cool man. Michael Giardina's suggestion
here? Exemplary of the mentality of bad behaviour I'm talking about.
Moreover, the crazy preacher guys are professional arguers. They do this all day every day. I don't agree with them, but I find it very amusing to observe as they twist around the arguments lodged at them by aspiring hecklers. The fact that they do argue repugnant standpoint makes it even more amusing and highlights the fact that a skillful arguer can defend almost anything. Not that they are really arguing well in a pure argument form, rather, they make great use of logical fallacies and other illegitimate tricks, but its the failure of their opponents to catch these that is most amusing to observe
But the greatest fallacy of all, upon which many of the arguments made against them rely, is the misunderstanding of social desirability and cosmic truth. Much of what was argued by the preacher-opponents was based on the social inadvisability of the preacher's ideas, for example that they hated too many people and/or shouldn't hate certain groups of people. The fact of the matter is that the theological nature of the universe isn't necessarily the most pleasant one imaginable -- it is simply the one that happens to exist. Don't get me wrong, every time someone says you should be Christian because Jesus died for your sins, they are arguing the same fallacy -- that because that SOUNDS awesome and may be a relief to you, it therefore might be true. Just because you want something to be true doesn't make it true. God could happen to be evil and twisted and we'd jsut have to deal. If you're going to argue theology therefore, your first point of reference should be the foundation of the theology itself - whether there is reason to believe it is true or not, NOT whether it sounds good and advisable.
Anyway, now that I've offended both the religious people and a good portion of the non-religious people here, I'm going to bed. My pictures from todays events can be found