Juggling Classes
So originally this quarter I was enrolled in SWE2, CMN152 (Communications - Theories of Persuasion), IRE190 (Seminar in International Relations), POL132 (Nat'l Security Policy) and HIS132 (His. of Crime & Punishment).
This is twenty units, but Swedish is at UCLA and will probably not get counted in with everything until much later in the quarter - thus if I were to take 16 units, it would show up here as 12 (lacking Swedish), and one must take something like 12.5 units to remain a full time student for financial aid purposes. Twenty units is an unpleasant thing to take unnecessarily though. I found a crafty solution however, in the "withdraw no work submitted" option here. If you never submit anything for a class but don't disenroll, it comes out as a harmless drop at the end of the quarter and doesn't stay on your official transcript. Thus I'm registered here in 16 units, but four of those units will in the end come from a class other than the one listed.
This crafty plan has been further complicated however. The registrar's office just informed me that I've already taken POL132, and rather than just disenroll me from it, I apparently will still get a grade in it but it won't count for my units. So if I get a bad grade it will appear to haunt me in my transcript, but if I get a good grade it'll probably go unnonticed because it won't get worked into my GPA. EVIL!
Not only that, but I'm now officially enrolled in 12 units, and four of those are the ones I didn't intend to finish. This means that I suddenly desperately need to (A) convince the registrar to accept that I'm taking 4 units at UCLA) and (B) get up to speed in HIS132, which I have not been attending for four weeks now. Or something!
If you have any other thoughts or advise on this situation I'd be extremely pleased to hear them.
Weekend Adventures
Saturday Kristy and I and our friend Carissa went to a show off L Street to see Unless, Keep Your Distance and Prison Shank. There was hardly anyone there, I blame Coachella. The following picture is from the show though:
Picture of the Day
Previously on Emosnail
Two Years Ago Today:
The Boorish Depraved Minds of My Classmates - More good times in ENL5F. And
Kristy wears her hair in
cinnamon buns.