Former roommate Jillian Grodecki (giving me the squinting of a lifetime). See also last year's other roommate,
Computer continues to function as well as the Soviet economy in 1989. I find it most disheartening.
Been busy. Currently pleased with all classes. Also ASUCD is currently undergoing an exciting period of perestroika -- a renaissance of reform prevails the like of which hasn't been seen since 1995. Not only are an unusual 8 senate spots open in the next election, but the slate formerly known as the Orwellians (now Friends Urging Campus Kindness) is allegedly running no less than 17 candidates for these eight positions.
Today in my case-law class a girl argued rightiously against what I had just said by citing the case in question as precedent for the principal which required the case be found in that way -- a completely redundant argument. And I was too baffled by this shockingly moronic argument to point out its ridiculousness before the conversation moved on. Hopefully relating it here will give me closure. (case was Ferguson v City of Charleston, since I know you're wondering)
Tomorrow I'm having lunch with the chancellor.
Current roommate Leia. Also currently resident here are Delilah the rat, and two humans:
Jason, a corn-dog enthusiest who spends more time on his mountain bike than on his feet and is the main suspect in the case of who ate all my pizza; and Chen, AKA
wdsguy, an "adult entertainment techinician."
Previously on EMOSNAIL
TWO Years Ago Today:
Crowdsurfing at DMS - Yes I'm one of an elite few persons to ever crowdsurf in Keebler Kleiber Hall.
Year Ago Today:
Commercials I Hate - and the inadequacy of the Sacremento Zoo. Seriously the place is miniscule -- I've probably got more lemurs in my closet.