Entertainment Council retreat 2005

Jan 18, 2005 01:52

    This weekend was the first annual entertainment council (EC) retreat. Eight of us from the organization which brought you such shows as The Shins, The Pixies, and Tiger Army (among many others) last year piled into two cars and went off to snowie Lake Tahoe for the weekend.

   Planned departure time was 3pm. In true ASUCD spirit, not a soul was to be found at the rendezvous point at 3:00pm.  So I bollocksed around for an hour, and everyone was finally there by 4:30.

Two guys went up in a pickup truck, the other six of us piled in Amie Gutierrez' SUV.  This meant four people in the back like sardines for the two hour trip up (and back).  Below is a picture of THREE of the people in the back of a car.

Brandon "Collie" McCauley accidently went into the girls restroom at In-N-Out.  In his defense, the Placerville In-N-Out has the mens and womens rooms in reverse of normal In-N-Outs, which are all exactly identical.  After doing this he proceeded to make a phone call on a pink phone so I had to take his picture (it was Janice's, his own battery had died due to the excessive amount of (mafia related) business he'd already conducted via phone at that point).

Arriving at the cabin, we found our keys to be useless.  We called the owner who called a locksmith, after the cleaning lady could not be reached either.  During the wait which was I believe a very long hour (felt like two.. maybe it was?), we discovered a sled and snow hillock in the parking lot.  Then a bunch of us went off to safeway to get supplies while we waited.

We thought it was funny that condoms were "conveniently located" in the alcohol aisle at longs.

There were massive icicles all about.  Here is another picture of massive icicles of death being used in the cabin.  And another:

The ladies prepared a scrumptious breakfast saturday morning of potatoes, bacon, eggs and waffles.

As you can probably tell, this is a badly assembled panorama of three pictures.  Two of them are alright on their own merits, the middle and right.

Brendon spent much time being studious.

   As you can see, the snow was actually quite deep.  It didn't actually snow while we were up there though.

   Saturday evening we went to the place where the ASUCD leadership retreat is annually held (they have a bigger budget).  I didn't go to the last one because it was halloween weekend, but I've gone before. Here we caught the end of an awesome sunset and took millions of pictures.

and there was wandering about

and maybe some drinking

then we went into town, tried to make and tried to make a buffet lose money on us:

after a valiant effort at this we played some laser tag and got chased off an ice-rink:

and finally returned home (to the cabin) to our own devices (and a fireplace!).


Sunday morning we once again piled ourselves into the carmobiles and returned to Davis.

In Other News
   Internet has been so bad today I couldn't even roust up a connection here in the study lounge.  One of the two PCs down here has a virus so I stole its  land-line and had internet for awhile, but eventually even that went down (?!).  At the moment, however, it is back.

Also, I just wrote this entry in photobucket(.com).  Hopefully it doesn't like lose the whole thing, because I think I might weep bitter tears of sadnes after spending all this time putting all this together. [it just edited it together crazy]

    More Pictures: that were too similar to pictures seen here to include in this photo essay, but there are a lot of pictures of the sunset which I think are kind of nice.
    These Pictures: as a slideshow in photobucket.

brandon mccauley, photo essays, entertainment council, vanessa uhlig, tahoe, janice fujita, amie gutierrez, asucd

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