Dammit. I accident established a government policy of "meat-eating is frowned upon" in
Blehtahepdakorum. This is in addition to "it is illegal to make racist remarks in public," another complete accident. Sheesh it is so hard to oppress people the way one wants to.
All I did was indicate that yes SOME flagrant animal abuse should be forbidden and they take it as outright discouragement of meat eating. Sheesh. And the racist remark thing; the issue I was briefed on was that a pile of racists wanted to hold a rally in the captiol, and my response was "what, free speech in MY country? I don't THINK so." So I dunno.. I guess the ban on racist remarks somewhat achieves the government intrusion I was aiming at, but it mostly took it in the wrong direction. Not that I favor racist remarks at all, its just a free speech thing.
I WAS able to outlaw elections however. Not only will there be no national elections, but no organization in the Dominion of Blehtahepdakorum may have elections for any reason. Muahahahaha. But alas it no longer makes note of that in the little blurb about my country. I swear this thing is trying to oppress ME.