Iacta Alea Est

Nov 18, 2004 15:09

   Today has been quite the day for fighting injustice, and its only 3pm.

Aside from the guest opinion, it appears I stumbled on some Model UN (of UCD) misbehaviour and alarmed SPAC (the official club administration here at UCD).
   At the Tuesday meeting the MUN secretariat distributed a new constitution that they want us to ratify at the following meeting. Though it was November 16th, I noticed "accepted unanimously on this 17th day of November, 2004" written on the bottem. They claim this shouldn't be taken to imply that they cavalierly expected us just to immediately ratify the document.
   But moreover, there is an existant MUN constitution. As to why they weren't simply amending that one they mumbled something aobut it just being easier this way because the old one was too out of date.

Today I stopped by SPAC to get a copy of the old constitution. Incidently they weren't sure they could release it to anyone but an officer of the club. I find it rather silly considering that the purpose of a constitution is to not be secret. In fact the office droids had to call in a higher ranking individual to resolve the question. This officer however, took an active interest in MUN's behaviour. Not only that, but it came to our intention that the individual we were all lead to believe (in MUN) to be the Secretary-General of the club, is NOT in fact; at least according to SPAC. In fact she's not a student at all right now. SPAC is now very interested in MUN's activities and should be contacting them shortly.

Yes this may have dire consequences for MUN, but (1) I didn't expect it to happen, I just wanted a constitution - I didn't expect they had more embarressing secrets I wasn't aware of; (2) I have faith in the system, & I do believe that the proper authorities should be notified of wrongdoing.

Quote of the Day
"We were hellaplusclose!!" -leader of the Orwellian slate upon seeing the election results today, demonstrating his plusgood command of newspeak.

Previously on EMOSNAIL
   Year Ago Tuesday: Removing Me - RECENTLY DECLASSIFIED!! The first removal attempt against me as Chief Justice
   Year Ago Tomorrow: Removal Highlights - RECENTLY DECLASSIFIED!! Some highlights from the official transcript of my removal hearing.

mun, war on wrong, ucdmun, orwellians, discord

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