So last night being halloween, Kristy and I decided to actually venture out, and went to the party at the "pirate house." Armed with a lighter the looks like a small gun, my furry Russian navy hat (ushanka), a fur coat, and my KGB flask, Kritsy was a Russian spy. I put on the marine corps dress uniform that my former roommate Adrian had gotten at a thrift store for $7.
There was an unusual amount of gothic people at the party. I think something attracted all the gothic people from miles around to this particular party. Our friend Alex
fr3ethinker happened to be there as well, and being the gothic boy that he always is, he apparently felt the need to just be "himself" for halloween, something Kristy and I thought was Such Sauce. The party began disbursing around 10pm I think (it being a school night after all), and so we headed home to study because I'm cool like that. We offered Alex a ride but he was busy hanging out with some girl he'd met named Rochelle and opted to stay in central Davis.
Most awesome costume award goes to this guy who was a tetris piece.
This morning while driving to campus, Kristy and I passed a police car with lights on, three wheeled parking enforcement vehicle, an unmarked car, and an unmarked white car with siren-lights on on the inside all pulled over at the side of Russel. I think the unmarked car without lights was getting jumped my all available police units.
Compare this to the similarly inexplicable
Davis police activities of about a year ago.
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