Sashiepalooza '04 & Rolf Fricke

Oct 10, 2004 22:53

   Saturday was Sashie (slosha)'s birthday party. She reasoned that the cops were gonna break up the party after 11 anyway, so they might as well get as much partying in before that as possible - so the party officially started at 5pm.

But first, Saturday morning, Sashie and her boyfriend Nizzle made a sumptuous breakfast of eggs and bacon for several of us.
   Kritsy and I got to the party at around 6 I think but there was already a nice little party underway. Originally they had around 180 jello shots made (and they mix them so that they're like a shot per jello shot), and a cooler of jungle juice1 (along with some other beer). When I arrived a guy with no shirt who goes by "smilie" was distributing jello shots. I had about six in the first five minutes, and I think he must have had like nine or ten. He was also pushing what he called a "slimey carbomb" (jello shot in beer), and then invented the "slimey jungle" (jello shot in jungle juice). I found both of these rather tedious - the point of a jello shot is it doesn't involve drinking isn't it?
   Anyway the party was pretty excellent. Lots of people showed up, even Azver eventually. I commandeered one of the disposable cameras for awhile and took some pictures, notably I documented Rennie seducing Little Colleen.

Eventually as the night wore on, people started scampering off to safeway for food and returning - the convenience of living right next to safe-way.

1I don't know how universal the term is but jungle juice = strong alcohol (in this case vodka) in juice.

Quote of the Day: "Kris and Aaron aren't similar - they're the SAME person" -Olivia. Incidentally upon meeting Aaron, Adrian described him as "Kris and Azver's lovechild."

Dad-dad - from the mail-bag!
   Got an email from my paternal grandfather, "Dad-dad" (it all started when while my brothers and are were still very wee, my paternal grandmother asked us to call her "Daddy's Mum." Daddysmum spread to Dad-dad and Mum-mum, but didn't effect my maternal grandfather, who is called by everyone, his own children included, "Roger"). I always find is emails interesting. Here is an excerpt:

I just returned from Germany, where I attended a humungous photographic trade show called "photokina" and where there was a formal press reception to announce a large bi-lingual book entitled "50 Years Leica M", for which I had provided the English translation under horrific time pressure.
And while we're at it, an excerpt from an email dated 13 September, 2004:

From there I drove my rental car (the Passat is still being treated for its rear-end bash) to Nottawasag Beach, where Walter Mandler2 and I were guests for lunch at Marianne Leitz3' newer "cottage". Her daughter Christiane Leitz was there too, and a most pleasant conversation was enjoyed by all.
I showed them a set of proofs of the book "50 Years Leica M System - 1954- 2004", in which Guenther Leitz is depicted full-page, and Mandler also appears several times. Even I am depicted, because I was the co-founder of Leica Historical Societies in the US, UK, Germany and even Russia, in addition to having provided the English translation of the original German text. That book is going to be introduced to the press at a ceremony in Haus Friedwart on the 22nd of this month, and I plan to be there, proceeding from there to Cologne for photokina - possibly my last one, because all my former colleagues and friends are retiring, and I have very little contact with the new, much leaner staff at Kodak/Stuttgart.

Once when Dad-dad was visiting us he went and had dinner with the owner of Oakleys, because the latter had apparently taken an interest in photography (Oakleys is named after the owner's dog incidently). Often when I talk to him he's just come back from judging an international photography competition or something. Such is my grandfather. He got tired of his name (Rolf) being pronounced differently in every country he was in so he named my father Oscar, a name that is essentially the same in every language. He neglected however to bestow upon him a middle name. On the other side, my maternal grandfather makes optical lenses for cameras on space ships, so photography is in my blood, so to speak.

2"Walter Mandler was, at the time, the Chief Engineer at Leitz Canada and a true legind in his own time. He was responsible for the design of the current Summicron 50mm, both for the Leica M and R systemwhich is considered one of - or the - best 50mm lenses in the world, the Noctilux-M 50mm f/1, the original APO-Telyt-R 180mm f/3.4 and the original Elmarit-R 19mm f/2.8, etc... A legend in his own time!" (Source)
3"The Leica was the first practical 35mm camera," the Leitzes were the owners of the company. (wikipedia entry on leica)

   Year Ago Friday: Governator Elected - and I got more votes last time I ran for ASUCD Senate than 106 of the 135 candidates for California governor got (2,142)
   Year Ago Today: Scheduling Woes - Another pretty excellent entry I'd recommend you all check out. Aside from detailing my scheduling woes, I give the top ten reasons one should learn Russian, quote my nuclear physics professor again, make a deep insight about freshmen and link to an awesome entry by Kritsy.
   Quote of the Day a Year Ago: "if your reactor blows its top all your emergency plans are out the window and which exit to take isn't really important anymore."
   An Entry by Kristy A Year Ago: KRISTY CAFFIENE HIGH LIKE WHOA - need I say more?

This Entry Rated: R (all groups) for drunken misadventures

little colleen, aaron aviv, rolf fricke, nizzle, alexandra chesnokova, azver, kristy heidenberger, aaron davis, drunken debauchery, rennie

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