I've felt all bleah and uncreative all day today. Stupid two entry per day quota ::shakes fist:: I have ideas for megablogistic entries but really don't feel like putting them together. Hopefully I'll recover soon.
Today I hung out with
flyinmonkey and
wrong_cow_girl, and three of their friends. I hadn't seen
flyinmonkey (Allie) for three years. Like many of my friends down here seem to be, these kids are all doing AA. At least mother (who officially reads this journal now.. frightening) doesn't have to worry about me drinking with any of these people..
Quotes from this evening which I thought were amusing, but probably are not: "note to self: kill sponsee later," "put the spoon down, relapse king!" -this guy Ken.
Year Ago Today:
GODLITE - hung out with Shasta and then made my first appearance at Diedrichs for the summer, whereupon I probably met Shalane, who'd eventually become one of my best friends.