Spent all week getting no sleep, writing papers, and drinking excessive amounts of caffiene.
Through extensive experimentation I have determined that quality of caffiene is very important. Instant coffee has significant amounts of caffiene but fries my brain and makes me uselessly jittery. This week I managed to subsist on the high quality caffiene of jolt (thanks to my darling Kristy who was kind enough to go on a jolt run for me), which allowed me to operate in complete disregard for advisable sleeping patterns.
Aaron came to town again today and he ate with Kristy and I ate at
Murder Burger (AKA Redrum Burger). Kritsy got a hot dog there which looked mad good, I'm gonna have to try it next time.
Then Kristy and Aaron scampered off to Pleasanton (Kristy's hometown, little over an hour away) to party with her friends and ex.
And I'm spending the evening reading.
"Aaron is like... Kris and Azver's lovechild from the future come back in time to be Kris' best friend" -roommate Jill
I've recently become addicted to
this web-comic that Azver showed me when he was here Wednesday night.
Year Ago Yesterday:
Fear and Loathing in Yolo County Davis Myths Legends and Outright Lies:
The Murder Burger / Redrum Burger Name-change - (linked above already)