So yeah, tonite I got the most awesome gift in the world ever given to anyone. My name is written on the Eiffle Tower obeservation deck! Yes! <3 Erika. Today we lost our football game and we have to go near north carolina or something for our next one? Like 4 hours away. I'm happy about this because I get to be cool and ride in a charter bus. Every time I ride in one at night, it makes me feel like I'm on the road in a tour bus or something. I love it. Anyway.. Tonite at the waffle house I ate a waffle and some free raison toast from the nice waitress. She gave me eight pieces man. Crazy stuff. Waffles are yummy though. Mmm..Yummy. I also got my new shoes. My old Macbeths from got old and worn out so much that my socks pocked through the bottom. The shoes I got are Nightmare Before Christmas shoes and they are compleletly retro cool. Ahh. Sweet dreams everyone.